Psychomotoric Affective Indicators 1. Cognitive


5. Learning Activities

Meeting 1 1 CH No. Learning Activities Time Allo. Explanation Pre-Activities Warm-up 1. The teacher fills the attendance list by calling the students’ names one by one. 5’ Whole class 2. Students are given pictures of several Indonesian folktales, they are asked to mention the things or people which are on the pictures 5’ Whole class 3. Students are asked to match the pictures with the provided titles. 5’ Whole class 4. Students are asked to read a narrative text entitled “A Farmer and His Three Sons” 5’ Individually Main Activities Communicative task 5. Students are asked to discuss and answer the following questions from “The Farmer and His Three Sons” story in pairs. 10’ Pair work 6. Some of the students are voluntarily asked to share their answers in a whole class discussion. 10’ Whole class Post Activities 8. Students are explained about the homework that they have to do. 5’ Whole class Total 45’ 1 CH Meeting 2 2 CH No. Learning Activities Time Allo. Explanation Pre Activities 1. The teacher fills the attendance list by calling the students’ names one by one. 5’ Whole class 2. Students are asked about the previous materials that they have learned. Indonesian folktales 5’ Whole class Main Activities Communicative task 108 3. Students are divided into groups each group consists of 5 or 6 students. 5’ Whole class 4. Each group is given a same series of pictures, they are asked to make a story based on the story given. Each student is responsible for at least one picture. They may use the provided vocabulary list to create a story. 15’ Group work 5. Several groups are asked to tell in front of the class the story that they have made. using lottery to choose the group which will tell the story in front of the class 10’ Whole class 6. Students are divided into 4 or 5. The leader took the lottery The Sleeping BeautyThe Farmer and His Three Sons from the teacher. Each group makes a simple role play based on the lottery each group has got. It will be performed next meeting 5’ Whole class Language Focus 7. Students are asked about the purpose, the generic structure, and the time expressions of a narrative text. 5’ Whole class 8. In pairs, students are asked to arrange the jumbled paragraphs into a narrative text. 8’ Pair work 9. After arranging the jumbled paragraphs, students are asked to guess the title of the story. 2’ Pair work 10. Students are asked to discuss the generic structure of the text together in a whole class discussion. 3’ Whole class 11. Students are asked to discuss and mention the past form from the text together in a whole class discussion. 5’ Whole class 12. Students are asked to discuss and mention the time expressions from the text together in a whole class discussion. 2’ Whole class Post Activity 13. Students are divided into a group of six. Then, each group is divided into two parts. 5’ Whole class 14. Each part is given a list and clues of certain 5’ Group work