Narrative Hortatory exposition KTSP 2006


3. Speaking

“Speaking is a productive oral skill” Nunan, 2003, p.48, as cited by Adipranata, 2009. This means that the students must produce something orally in the learning activity. In this study, speaking was as the main skill which was focused on and be taught. Therefore, the students must be able to speak during the learning activities.

4. KTSP 2006

KTSP is the curriculum which is used in this academic year. According to KTSP 2006, the teaching process for both junior high school and senior high school are based on the different types of texts. The texts which are taught in senior high school are recount, narrative, procedure, descriptive, news item, report, analytical exposition, spoof, hortatory exposition, explanation, discussion, and review. In this study, the researcher designed a set of speaking materials for the second semester of the eleventh grade social science students of SMA N 1 Depok, Sleman so that the researcher will focus on speaking skill only and the texts which are taught in that semester. The texts are a narrative text, a spoof text, and a hortatory exposition text. However, the researcher only used a narrative text and a hortatory exposition text. The definitions of terms of those two kinds of texts are as follows:

a. Narrative

According to Anderson 1997, p.8 as cited by Karolina 2006, a narrative text is a piece of text which tells a story and entertains or informs the readers or 9 the listeners. In this study, a narrative text is one of the types of texts which was used to design a set of speaking materials. A narrative text itself is to entertain or inform the listeners not the readers because this study focuses on speaking skills.

b. Hortatory exposition

According to Astuti 2010, p.180, a hortatory exposition text is a text which represents the attempt of the writer to have the addressee do something or act in a certain way. In this study, a hortatory exposition text is one of the types of texts which was used to design a set of speaking materials. 10


This chapter discusses the theories or related literature which is used in this research to answer the research problems. This chapter is divided into two parts: theoretical description and theoretical framework. The theoretical description discusses the theory of instructional design models, Communicative Language Teaching CLT, the teaching activities in senior high school, and related studies on CLT. The theoretical framework discusses the framework based on the theoretical description in order to answer the research problem.

A. Theoretical Description

In this part, the researcher discusses the theory of instructional design models, Communicative Language Teaching CLT, the teaching activities in senior high school, and related studies on CLT.

1. Instructional Design Models

The instructional design models are helpful to design a set of instructional materials. The guidelines of the instructional design models can be used in order to create a good and appropriate design for certain learners. This study uses Kemp’s and Dick and Carrey’s design models.

a. Kemp’s design model

According to Kemp 1977, p.8, in designing a set of materials, there are three important questions to be answered. Those three important questions are as follows: