always bring dictionary since they still have poor vocabulary. Fifth, the English teachers should distribute high achiever students in each group that they can help their low achiever friends in their group. Sixth, the English teachers should approach and guide students when they work on their tasks. And seven, the English teachers should be patient since this technique employs a lot of time and activities at every stage. For the students who learn English, especially speaking could practice their English speaking by using role playing technique in different contexts and expressions. After getting some role play activities, students are expected to be more active in speaking and improve their speaking ability in giving transactional and interpersonal response which can be done in their daily activities. 89 REFERENCES Brown, H.D. 2001. Teaching by Principles: An Active Approach to Language Pedagogy. 2nd ed. San Francisco: Addison Wesley Longman, Inc. Burns, A. 1999. Collaborative Action Research for English Language Teachers. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. ________. 2010. Doing Action Research in English Language Teaching. New York: Routledge. Bygate, Martin. 2000. Teaching and Researching Speaking. London: Longman Cameron, Lynne.2001. Teaching Languages to Young Learners. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Depdiknas, 2006. Standar Isi untuk Satuan Pendidikan Dasar dan Menengah: Peraturan Menteri Pendidikan Nasional No. 22 tahun 2006. Jakarta: Direktorat Pendidikan Dasar dan Menengah. Harmer, J. 2001. Practice of English Language Teaching. Edinburgh Gate: Longman. ________. 2007. The Practice of English Language Teaching. New Jersey: Pearson Education Irianti, S. 2011. Using Role Play in Improving Students’ Speaking Ability A Classroom Action Research in the Second Year Students at VIII.1 Class of SMP PGRI II Ciputat. A Thesis. Jakarta: English Education Department, Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teachers’ Training Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic Unversity.. Ladousse, Gillian Porter.1987. Resource Books for Teachers: ROLE PLAY. New York. Oxford University Press. Nunan, D. 1989. Designing Tasks for the Communicative Classroom. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. ________. 2003. Practical English Language Teaching . New York: McGraw Hill. Permata, S. N., 2011. Improving Students’ Speaking Ability by Using Role Play A Classroom Resesach at VII Grade of SMPN 251 Jakarta. A Thesis. Jakarta: English Education Department, Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teachers’ Training Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic Unversity.