Related Studies Conceptual Framework

Figure 1: The Concept of the Study The students have low speaking ability . Students are able to improve their speaking ability. Role playing technique facilitates students’ opportunity to speak English. The use of role playing technique 38


A. Research Type

The type of this research is action research. This action research tries to identify the problem that happened in the teaching and learning class and then decides an action to overcome the problems. In this research, the researcher identified some problems related to the students speaking skill. Thus, she formulated the actions to solve the problem. In improving the students speaking skill, the researcher decided to conduct action research based on Kemmis and McTaggart model as cited in Burns 2010:7-9. Figure 2: Scheme of Action Research by Kemmis and McTaggart From the processes in Figure 1. the researcher used the action research model developed by Kemmis and Mc. Taggart. This model consists of four main steps in each cycle : 1 planning; 2 acting; 3 observing and 4 reflecting.

B. Research Setting

This study took place in SMPN 1 Banguntapan which was located in Jl. Karangturi, Baturetno, Banguntapan, Bantul, Yogyakarta. The location of the school is about 9 kilometers from the center of Yogyakarta city. The school has 24 classes eight of the ninth grade, eight of the eighth grade, and eight of the seventh grade. There were four English teachers in the school. The research will be conducted at grade VIIIH of SMPN 1 Banguntapan.

C. Research Subjects

The subject of the research was the students of VIIIH of SMP N 1 Banguntapan who were in the second semester by the academic year of 20132014. There were 26 students in the classroom. They were choosen based on the observation that they have problem in speaking.

D. Time of the Research

The research study was conducted in the second semester of the academic year of 20132014. The actions were carried out in March – May 2014. The observation was done on March, 14 th 2014.

E. Data Collection Technique

The data collected were in the form of qualitative and quantitative data. Qualitative data consist of observation, interview and questionnaire and quantitative data consist of pre-test and post-test. 1. Observation In this case, the researcher uses the unstructured observation to get the real condition in teaching learning process. During the observation, the researcher make the observation notes about situation in the class, covers teacher’s performance in teaching speaking and students’ speaking skills such as; pronunciation, vocabulary, grammar, and their braveries to speak and take photograph and video. 2. Interview Before implementing the research, the researcher interviewed the teacher about students’ difficulties in the speaking skill, students’ condition in speaking activity, and the kinds of strategies usually adopted by the teacher in teaching speaking. The researcher also carried the interview after accomplishing the research to know the teacher’s response toward the idea of implementing the role play technique in improving students’ ability in speaking. 3. Test The researcher used the oral test for the students. The test used in this study is the pre-test and the post-test. The pre-test was done before implementing role play technique. It was used to measure students’ speaking ability at first. Meanwhile, the post-test was implemented after using the role play technique. The students did the oral test by playing a role. They were asked to choose one of the envelopes of role cards which are provided by the researcher. Then, the students performed their role play. The students needed to do the test in pairs.

F. Instruments

The instruments consisted of several documents. According to Burns 1999: 17, documents in action research are relevant to the research questions which can include the students written works, student records and profiles, course overviews, lesson plans, and classroom materials. The documents used in this research were course overviews, lesson plans, and classroom materials. In order to gain the valid data on the students’ speaking performance, some instruments were used such as field notes, observation checklists, interview guidelines, and a speaking performance rubric. In gaining the data of the teaching and learning process, the researcher used the field note. Field notes helped her to record everything happened in the classroom during the actions. The collaborators also noted the field situation that could not be seen by the researcher. By using the field notes, the researcher was able to see the weakness and the strength during the implementation of the actions. The observation and interview guidelines were used in the reconnaissance and the observation during the implementation of the actions. In the reconnaissance, the observation and interview guideline were used to find out the existing problems. In the actions step, the observation guidelines were used to see the implementation of the actions.