Evaluation The English teaching and learning process in SMA N 1 Klaten

class. It is proved by student D by saying: “ Iya, di lab. Jadi ya ada LCD, Komputer, tape gitu, kan sering listening juga. Kita juga sering keluar kelas, misalnya pas drama kemarin, kita ke musholla. Jadi kita action-nya itu di luar kelas gitu, outdoor ga cuma indoor ” . From the student‟s statement, it can be seen that teacher S mostly conduct the teaching and learning activity in the laboratory..This, of course, makes the teacher and also the students use the media easily. The materials are then presented through various media provided in the laboratory The use of media makes the students in teacher S‟ class become more motivated in following the lesson since the materials become more interesting for them. Teacher V and teacher ES also make use of media in their teaching and learning activity. But unlike the other teachers who often make use of media, teacher ES and teacher V seldom use them. It is proved by student I statement: “Jarang sih Mbak. Paling tape gitu ”. According to the students, it will be better for the teachers to make use of media more often. The students are more motivated in following the lesson when the material is interesting. One way to make the material becomes more interesting is by presenting it through various and interesting media.

f. Evaluation

The last indicator determining the quality of teaching and learning process is the evaluation. Evaluation addresses whether the goals or objectives of the lesson are being attained, that is, whether the lesson is effective. In evaluating the students, the teachers have set some criteria of the students which want to be assessed, such as their daily performance and periodic test conducted by the teachers. Based on the interviews done to the English teachers in SMA N 1 Klaten, it can be said that the teachers have some ways in evaluating their students. In her interview, teacher S said as follow: “… Jadi mungkin pada waktu mbak Dian jadi murid saya, kalau bisa melihat, itu selalu dalam saya menilai itu ada…hm… Jadi ini ulangan harian pertama, kedua, ketiga, kempat, kelima misalnya, terus di sini masih ada nilai „x‟. ini yang ternyata pak Gunarso itu sama dengan saya pendapatnya. Jadi „x‟ ini, saya mengamati setiap hari setiap siswa” said teacher S Interview with teacher S on September 4, 2009 From the teacher S statement above, it can be seen that the teacher does not only evaluate the students‟ learning trough periodic tests but also the sstudents‟ daily performance. This statement is supported by student R and D. In her interview, student D said: “Tiap hari itu selalu ada yang tanya. Kalau ada kelompok yang maju misalnya, ada yang kita nggak tahu, kita nanya. Itu juga malah dikasih nilai, jadinya memacu murid-murid untuk tanya” . In addition, student R stated: “Ulangan tertulis kayak matematika gitu belum, mungkin besok-besok. Tapi kemarin ada tes listening tahap 1. Presentasi juga dinilai ” . From these statements, it can be seen that the evaluation is not only done to measure the students‟ learning but also to motivate the students to be more active in the teaching and learning process. Different with teacher S, teacher ES evaluates her students‟ learning through their daily performance. Teacher ES thinks that by evaluating the students‟ learning through their daily performance, the students will give their real performance. At this point, teacher ES said: “Saya biasanya langsung den gan oral test sehari-hari mbak.Karena dengan begitu, jawaban yang keluar itu murni dari mereka, nggak ada contek- contekan”. To confirm the teacher‟s statement, ther researcher asked one of the students related to the evaluation done by teacher ES. Student N stated: “ Belum pernah ujian ” . It can be said that teacher ES never conduct test for her students. The evaluation is taken from the students‟ daily performance and the assignments only. Incidental test, students‟ daily performance observation, and assignment are the ways how teacher V evaluates his students. Teacher V conducts an incidental test because he thinks that by conducting such an incidental test, the students will prepare themselves everytime they have their English class. In addition, teacher V also evaluates the students through the students‟ daily performance in the classroom and assignment. At this point, teacher v said: “Hm, yang jelas ulangan itu tidak saya beritahukan sebelumnya, jadi dadakan. Sehingga lalu mereka harus selalu siap dan tugas individual dan kelompok juga menjadi bagian yang musti dilihat sebagai proses untuk memantau perkembangan anak dar i waktu ke waktu”. Based on the students‟ consideration, the way how teacher V conducts tests makes the students to be prepared with any incidental tests conducted by the teacher. Student I, in his interview, said: “Ada Mbak. Ada tes listening, ada tes tertulis, dadakan gitu. Jadi murid harus selalu siap setiap saat ” . When the researcher asked him further whether the teacher gives the students assignment or not, he answered: Ada. Tugas hariannya biasanya diketik, trus disuruh ngirim lewat email ke alamat emailnya pak Val ” . Oral and written test are used by teacher TY in evaluating the students‟ learning. At this point, teacher TY stated: “ Deng an cara..hm…kadang -kadang kita selenggarakan tes ya. Kadang-kadang tes tertulis, kadang-kadang wawancara sehingga kita tahu persis …”. Teacher TY thinks that doing written test only is not enough to measure the students‟ learning. Therefore, he conducts oral test also. In his interview, he stated: “Kalau tertulis itu kan kelemahannya anak -anak itu tanya pada temannya. Tapi kalau dengan wawancara, atau dengan mengamati langsung ketika proses KBM berlangsung, itu lebih…lebih pas” . The teacher also tells the students about what aspects of the students which will be evaluated. He said, “… Kita mulai dari tahun ini. Jadi kita akan melihat, siswa itu juga akan melihat, kekurangan dia itu akan terpantau setiap hari... ”. It is then justified by student L by saying: “… dikasih tahu nilai yang mau diambil itu apa saja gitu ” . By knowing the criteria of evaluation done by the teacher, the students will be aware of their learning since they will know which thing needs to improve and which thich needs to maintain. 2. Teacher Certification and its Effect on the Quality of English Teaching and Learning Process in SMA N 1 Klaten There are two issues which need to be described in order to get a clear description about the effect of teacher certification on the quality of English teaching and learning process in SMA N 1 Klaten. The issues are explained in the following description.

a. How the English Teachers in SMA N 1 Klaten Got the Certificates