Research Method Description of Setting


A. Research Method

An important thing to be considered in carrying out the research is research methodology. This research was conducted in the form of qualitative research using naturalistic inquiry. Fraenkel and Wallen 2000: 502 states that qualitative research is a research study that investigates the quality of relationships, activities, situations, or materials in a particular activity or situation. This research was reported in words and language in certain natural context. In this study, the researcher conducted qualitative research since it was used to investigate some viewpoints of social phenomenon of the effects of teacher certification on the quality of English teaching and learning process at SMA N 1 Klaten. By using this method, the researcher achieved clear description of the process observed. At this point, the process was conducted without any interference from the researcher. The researcher used naturalistic inquiry because the research was in the form of natural setting and the researcher is the means through which the research is conducted. Lincoln and Cuba 1985: 39 proposes that in naturalistic approach, the researcher make himself as an instrument to identify, and has proportion to clarify the deviation which exists. In this research, the researcher observed to what extent the teacher certification affects the quality of English 47 teaching and learning process by making an interview and observation in natural setting, place where the observed activity takes place.

B. Description of Setting

The research was conducted at SMA N 1 Klaten from August to October 2009. SMA N 1 Klaten is one of senior high schools in Klaten which is located in Jalan Merbabu No. 13 Klaten. It could be contacted via phone at 0272 321150. The school has three classes, they are: regular, immersion, and acceleration. In this research, regular class was taken as the object of the research.

C. Sources of Data