Teaching and Learning Activities Teaching Material and Media

B. Discussion

The next step of qualitative research is discussion. Discussion presents the description of phenomena being observed in this research. In this case, it deals with the extent of the teacher certification in which it affects the quality of English teaching and learning process. After the English teachers in SMA N 1 Klaten are certified, they get a higher salary. According to the teachers, higher salary makes their teaching motivation become higher than before. They also feel that they have to be more responsible for running their profession. It is suitable with a theory proposed by Ofoegbu 2004 in college student journal www.findarticles.com. In his article, he said that salary can enhance the extrinsic motivation for teachers. Moreover, O‟neil 1995 in Ofoegbu 2004 suggests that the aim of the organization should be to build on and enhance the intrinsic motivation for teachers to teach effectively and at the same time, to supply some extrinsic motivation along the way for school improvement.

1. Teaching and Learning Activities

Activities in group are choosen by most teachers in SMA N 1 Klaten. Those activities include exercise based activity, group discussion, role play, group presentation, and question and answer. These activities mostly require the students‟ collaborated participation. They mostly work in group to do the tasks given by the teachers. Regarding to this, Elliot 1999 states that cooperative learning refers to a set of instructional methods in which students are encourage or required to work together on academic tasks. Such methods may include having students sit together for discussion or having them help each other with assignments and complex tasks. The uses of those methods also bring about fun. Through such teaching methods, therefore, students are stimulated and motivated to learn English naturally. The statements are suitable wi th the expert‟s theory as Sudjana 1993 in Yunus 2005:6 states that if students are in a fun situation, they will be motivated, and the learning result will be better. In his book, Metode dan Teknik P embelajaran Partisipatif, he also says that game will create fun atmosphere for students without causing tiredness. If those activities are properly handled, it will enhance students‟ learning motivation, encourage all students to work together, and introduce tolerance among the students.

2. Teaching Material and Media

Various interesting materials and media provided by the teachers can also affect the quality of teaching and learning process. The teachers take the materials from various sources such as internet, magazine, and newspaper. The materials are then presented through some media such as tape recorder, television, or laptop and LCD. Regarding to this, Shirey Reynolds, 1988 in Slavin 1997: 369 propose that the intrinsic learning motivation of the students can be enhanced by the use of interesting materials, as well as by variety in the mode of presentation. For example, in order to make the students interested in listening class, the SMA N 1 Klaten teachers make use of film as teaching material; or when the students have their speaking class, the teachers can make use of comics or pictures. Dealing with the videovisual presentation of the materials, Stempleski et al 1990:3 propose that video presentation exploits students‟ motivation in the language learning classroom. Children and adult feel their interest arises when the language is experienced in lively way through video. The use of each material should be carefully planned and handled to make sure that it focuses on the instructional objectives the students have to achieve. By using various interesting material and media, the students‟ interest and motivation will increase and therefore, they will be encouraged to engage themselves in the teaching and learning activity set by the teachers. Based on several theories proposed by some experts, it can be concluded that the quality of teaching and learning process is affected by the use of various interesting material and media since it motivates the students to learn.

3. Evaluation