Student Role The English teaching and learning process in SMA N 1 Klaten

Related to this matter, student L said: “ Aktif, banyak. Kan kita itu disuruh bawa recorder sendiri-sendiri. Ntar materinya dibagi ma temen. Jadi saling t anya gitu”. From the explanation about the teacher role in SMA N 1 Klaten above, it can be seen that in general, the English teachers in SMA N 1 Klaten mostly adopt the role of facilitator in running their teaching and learning process in the classroom. It is proved by the types of teaching and learning activities that they provide for the students in order to make the students active. The activities used are such as: presentation, role play, question and answer, listening, and exercise based activity.

c. Student Role

The third indicator showing the quality of English teaching and learning process can be seen from the students‟ role. Generally, the role of the students in SMA N 1 Klaten is as a cooperative learner. It is proved that the students are mostly involved in the activities which require their collaborated participation. The activities include: group discussion, question and answer, role play, and presentation. Through an interview, teacher S said: “ Jadi saya melihat materi yang harus saya berikan apa, yang harus mereka kuasai apa, then I make them, I divided them into groups of three. ” Moreover, she stated: “… Kemudian mereka saling mempelajari the structure of genre tadi, the structure of narrative tadi melalui..ehm…melalui berbagai topics y a”. In running their role as a cooperative learner, the students are required to interact and communicate with the other members of the class in order to do the tasks given by the teacher. From classroom observation and interview with the students, it can be seen that the students interact and communicate actively with the other students. Related to this matter, student R stated: “Trus sekarang itu bu guru itu ada metode…ehm…seumpama 1 bab gitu ya, trus dibuat kelompok, satu kelompok itu 3 anak. Materinya itu disuruh jelasin tiap kelompok itu pakai presentasi, pakai media apa terserah. Jadi siswa itu cari sendiri, lalu diterangin sama temen-temen gitu lah ” . Moreover, she stated “Oh, he‟em…Selama ini menyenangkan banget. Kan siswa itu dilatih untuk ngomong bahasa Inggris gitu lho, jadi kita itu juga lebih aktif speaking nya.” . From the interview, it can be seen that the students have a fun English teaching and learning process. Thus, they are motivated to follow the lesson. It is proved by the active participation given by the students. This phenomenon is in line with teacher S‟ statement: “ Sebenarnya itu, saya yang harus membawakan topic continuing a story, tetapi saya melibatkan mereka, mereka prepare, mereka menguasai materi itu, kemudian mereka share to their friends. Itu menurut saya mereka sendiri juga bersemangat, kemudian mereka ya..pride karena mereka bisa men-share materi itu pada teman-temannya, dan itu teman-temannya juga have fun. Interview with teacher S on September 4, 2009 From the interview and classroom observation stated above, it can be seen that the effort that teacher S did in order to make the student become more active and motivated was successful. It is proved by the atmosphere of the teaching and learning process in the classroom in which it brings about fun and cooperative way of learning. Besides, the students in teacher S class are given chances to decide the method which is going to be used in the class as long as it is suitable with the topic that they have. In her interview, teacher S stated: “So we have to have fun with English. Makanya pada waktu saya mulai masuk pertama kali, tahun-tahun terakhir ini saya selalu memberikan kesempatan kepada mereka untuk give me suggestion how we should have our English class. Kamu punya usul apa so that we can achieve what we should achieve ” . The statement of the teacher is proved by the student‟s statement: “Dulu pas pertama kali pembukaan, awal pelajaran itu guru ngasih selebaran yang isinya itu nanya kita, kita itu mau belajar pakai metode apa …” . By involving the students in deciding the method that they are going to use, the students have chances to choose the method which they think more suitable for them. This, of course, makes the students become more motivated in following the lesson. The role of cooperative learner can also be seen in teacher V class. The students are often involved in the activity of group discussion and also question and answer which are provided by the teacher. These activities, of course, require the students to communicate actively not only with the teacher but also with their friends in order to do the tasks given. Related to question and answer activity, student I said: “ Pertamanya, pak Val itu jelasin materi, trus tanya jawab sama muridnya tentang materi tadi. Kalau muridnya ga tahu, pak Val nya itu nanti ngasih pertanyaan lagi. Ya kayak pancingan gitu lho. Jadi intinya, kalo di kelas itu, muridnya harus lebih aktif daripada gurunya ” . From the interview done with the student, it can be seen that the question and answer activity which is provided by the teacher makes the students give their active participation by answer ing the teacher‟s question. The way how the teacher gives the triggering question also motivates the students to give their best try in answering the teacher‟s question. The role of cooperative learner was also seen in the activity of pair work or group discussion. When the students are asked to do the task which is given by the teacher to do in group, they have to make a communication with their friends in their groups. Being encouraged to use the target language while they are working on the tasks, the students will be accustomed to the target language that they learn. “…Setelah melakukan tanya jawab singkat tentang materi yang akan mereka terima hari itu, guru meminta mereka untuk membuka buku Look Ahead mereka. Guru kemudian memerintahkan siswa utuk bekerja berpasangan dengan teman sebangkunya mendiskusikan teks bacaan yang ada dalam buku. Tak berapa lama kemudian, para siswa terlihat aktif berdiskusi dengan teman sebangku nya” Fieldnotes: teaching and learning process on September 9, 2009 From the interview and classroom observation done by the researcher, it can be seen that the students in teacher V‟s class are actively involved in the process of teaching and learning. They mostly work together with their friends in order to do the tasks given by the teacher. Therefore, it can be concluded that the students in teacher V class mostly act as cooperative learner. Unlike the students in teacher S‟ and teacher V‟s class, the students in teacher ES‟ class adopt the role of listener and obeyer. Since the activity provided by the teacher is exercise based activity which is done individually, the students in teacher ES‟ class mostly keep silent when the teaching and learning process takes place. In her interview, teacher ES stated: “Ketika di kelas, ya mereka melanjutkan mengerjakan tugas itu, nanti kalo ada yang kesulitan, ya mereka tanya saya jelaskan ” . It seems that the students have to be responsible with their own learning. The teacher only explains the material if the students ask about it. Student N stated: “…gurunya itu memberi kebebasan untuk siswanya itu mau belajar apa gitu. Trus nanti kalo ada yang ditanyain, ya dijelasin gitu”. From the interview, it can be seen that if the students want to know more about certain topics, they have to ask the teacher or unless the teacher will not explain the material for them. Teacher ES also gives freedom for her students to learn anything they want to learn in the classroom. Therefore, the students have to be aware about what they need. It is proved by the statement given by teacher ES. In her interview, teacher ES stated: “… Kemarin saja saya masuk langsung disodori soal-soal USM STAN, minta dibahas bareng-bareng di kelas gitu. Mereka sering ngasih usulan pas di kelas, pengen mbahas apa gitu ” . The teacher, in fact, gives too much freedom to her students in choosing whatever they want to learn in the classroom. Although it is good to give the students freedom to choose what they want to learn, the teacher has to give them limitation or boundary in order to keep the teaching and learning process on the right track. Besides, the goal of the lesson may not be achieved if the teacher does not give any boundary about the material that the students may learn. Related to this, student N said, “Sering nerangin aja, jangan terlalu membebaskan muridnya mau belajar apa aja ” . Guru tadi mempersilakan siswa tadi untuk bertanya . Siswa tersebut kemudian mengusulkan kepada guru agar agenda belajar mereka hari itu diisi dengan membahas soal-soal bahasa Inggris USM STAN, karena banyak dari mereka yang mengikuti tes USM STAN. Guru tersebut akhirnya menyetujui setelah menanyakan dulu kepada siswa yang lain apakah mereka keberatan kalau kegiatan mereka hari itu membahasa soal-soal dari USM STAN. Fieldnotes: teaching and learning process on September 7, 2009 The students feel that the teacher gives them too much freedom in choosing the material they want to learn. It leads the students to confusion about what they should learn. In an interview with one of the students, she stated that it will be better for the teacher not to give the students too much freedom in choosing the material they want to learn. They feel difficult to decide what topic or material they should learn. In teacher TY class, the students are active by doing question and answer activity with their teacher. Besides, the students also do the question and answer activity with their friends. The communication between the students and the teacher happens when the teacher discusses the task he gives to his students, while the communication between the students and their friends happens when the students have to share their material with their friends. This kind of activity makes the students give their active participation in order to do the task which is given by the teacher. It can be said that the students adopt the role of cooperative learner by doing question and answer with their teacher and their friends. It is proved by student L by saying: “Iya, kan kalau listening itu kan dikasih rekaman -rekaman gitu, trus dibahas bareng-bareng ” . Moreover, she stated: “Aktif, banyak. Kan kita itu disuruh bawa recorder sendiri-sendiri. Ntar materinya dibagi ma temen. Jadi saling t anya gitu”. Through an interview, one of the students in teacher TY‟s class stated that the teaching and learning activity in teacher TY‟s class is fun. Since the teaching and learning activity is fun, the students are encouraged to give their active participation. It is proved by the situation created in the classroom in which it brings about fun and makes the students give their active contribution.

d. Types of Teaching and Learning Activity