Trustworthiness Technique of Data Analysis

learning quality. The analyzed documents were the fieldnotes of interview, fieldnotes of observation, and the English teachers‟ lesson plan

E. Trustworthiness

This research is conducted in the form of qualitative research and therefore it will concern about the trustworthiness of the data collected. The trustworthiness of the data can be defined as every situation that must demonstrate the right value, provide the basic to be implemented and allow the outside decision that can influence the consistency from its procedure and neutrality of the findings and decisions Moleong, 2007:321. In qualitative research, the trustworthiness of the data has several criterions: credibility, transferability, dependability, and confirmability. In conducting the research, the researcher attempts to get the trustworthiness of the data collected by meeting all of its criteria. In credibility, the researcher will try to seek the compatibility between the findings and data on the field. The findings, then, should be transferable so that it could be applied in other context or with other respondents. Finding resulted should also be dependant. At this point, the findings should be able to provide evidence which could be replicated with the same or similar respondents in the same or similar context. In confirmability criteria, the findings should not be biases of the researcher – the findings are objective, trustworthy, factual and confirmable. In this research, the information collected from the field was observed their trustworthiness before the researcher took them as the data. It was conducted by observing the detail research, lengthening the participations and deepening the interviews. Therefore, the data could be used as the consideration in drawing the conclusion.

F. Technique of Data Analysis

The data in this research were analyzed by using descriptive qualitative method. The researcher used an interview model of analysis involving collecting the data, reducing the data, and presenting the data and also drawing conclusion Sutopo, 2002: 95. After the researcher collected the data, she reduced and presented the data. In reducing the data, the researcher rejected meaningless data, so that she got the important points of finding. It was followed by presenting the data. Thus, the researcher presented the data systematically and logically, so the meaning of every event is clear. In the end of collecting the data, the researcher tried to verify the data based on reduction and data presentation. a. Reducing the data Not all of the obtained data of the research were important. It means that the important information must be taken and unimportant information must be ignored. In the process of the data reduction, the researcher selected, focused, simplified, and abstracted the data in the field note. The data reduction was done during the research activities. In this case, the researcher reduced the information during the research activities if the data did not support the data the researcher needed. b. Presenting the data Presenting the data means describing the data in the form of description or narration. As the second component in analyzing the data, this technique was used in arranging the information, description, or narration to draw the conclusion. By presenting the data, the researcher considered what she should do; she could analyze or take the other action based on her understanding. c. Drawing conclusion The third activity was drawing conclusion. In this study, conclusions were drawn continuously throughout the course of the study. The writer tended to accumulate and formulate her interpretations as she went along. She had likely to write up not only what she saw each day but also her interpretation of those observation.