Lesson Plan The English teaching and learning process in SMA N 1 Klaten


A. Research Finding

This section answers the problem statement: to what extent does teacher certification program affect the quality of English teaching and learning process in SMA N 1 Klaten. The problem statement comprises some issues: 1 the English teaching and learning process in SMA N 1 Klaten 2 the teacher certification program and its effect on the quality of English teaching and learning process.

1. The English teaching and learning process in SMA N 1 Klaten

SMA N 1 Klaten is the most favorite senior high school in Klaten. Therefore, SMA N 1 Klaten has to maintain the quality of its teaching and learning process in order to maintain the quality of the students‟ output. In describing the quality of teaching and learning process in SMA N 1 Klaten, especially the English teaching and learning process, the indicators which are used are: teachers‟ lesson plan, teachers ‟ role, students‟ role, types of teaching and learning activity in the classroom, teaching materials, and evaluation.

a. Lesson Plan

The first indicator showing the quality of English teaching and learning process in SMA N 1 Klaten is the teachers‟ lesson plan. An effective teaching and learning process usually comes from a good planning. A careful planning is at the 54 same importance as the teaching and learning process in classroom. When the researcher asked the headmaster of SMA N 1 Klaten related to the importance of arranging lesson plan compared with the teaching and learning process in the classroom, he said, “ Dua-duanya penting. Lesson plan penting, proses pembelajaran di kelas juga penting ”. From the headmaster‟s statement, it seems that arranging lesson plan is put at the same importance as the teaching and learning process in the classroom. In order to make the teachers become aware of the importance of arranging lesson plan, the headmaster asks the teachers to submit their lesson plans every semester. The statement of the headmaster is supported by some teachers‟ statements. Teacher ES said, “Menyusun mbak, biasanya lesson plan -lesson plan tadi dikumpulkan setiap 1 semester sekali ”. Similar answer was given by teacher TY related to lesson plan arrangement and submission. In an interview, he said: “Iya. Iya, diharuskan menyusun… Pengumpulannya tiap setengah semester sekali”. The lesson plan that the teachers make is based on the KTSP syllabus used in SMA N 1 Klaten. Each lesson plan is developed from a single basic competence. It is in line with the rule of lesson plan development stated in Panduan Pengembangan Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran which states that “ RPP disusun untuk satu kompetensi dasar ” . Since the lesson plan is developed from the KTSP syllabus used by the teachers, it has to follow the format which has been written in Panduan Pengembangan Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran. The lesson plan must cover: the identity of the subject, the standard competence, the basic competence, indicator, instructional objectives, instructional material, time allocation, teaching method, types of teaching and learning activity, evaluation, and sources of material. The lesson plan which has been arranged by the teachers in SMA N 1 Klaten covers: the identity of the subject, the standard competence, the basic competence, indicator, instructional objectives, instructional material, time allocation, teaching method, types of teaching and learning activity, evaluation, and sources of material. The standard competence, the basic competence, and the indicator are copied from the syllabus that the teachers have made. From the analysis of the document, it can be seen that the lesson plan which is arranged by the English teachers in SMA N 1 Klaten is suitable with the format which is suggested by Panduan Pengembangan Rencana P elaksanaan Pembelajaran. By following the rules of lesson plan development stated in Panduan Pengembangan Rencana Pela ksanaan Pembelajaran , the teachers seem to have a good understanding about how to make a good lesson plan for their lessons. The english teachers in SMA N 1 Klaten realize that arranging lesson plan is important. Teacher ES stated, “O tentu mbak, penting sekali. Karena kalau kita sudah menyusun lesson plan, mengajar kita itu jadi lebih terarah. Dan kala u ternyata kita sedang berhalangan hadir, guru lain bisa meng-handle dengan melihat lesson plan kita”. From the interview, it can be seen that teacher ES understands the benefits that she can get by arranging lesson plan. As a matter of fact, some teachers in SMA N 1 Klaten feel that arranging lesson plan is a burden. Teacher V stated in his interview, “Ya lesson plan dan sebagainya itu masuk ke masalah administrasi yang kadang- kadang terlalu rigid, harus beginilah, harus begitulah…Hanya kadang - kadang, saking terlalu rigid-nya tadi, makanya orang jadi terfokus ke masalah lesson plan dan teknis pembela jaran malah agak diabaikan ”. Teacher V thinks that lesson plan does not need to be presented in detail since it is very burdening for the teachers. Besides, he also thinks that lesson plan is only an administrative work he has to fulfill. In fact, a lesson plan has to be presented in detail in order to make the users understand how to use it. Moreover, it is one of the important components of teaching and learning process which has to be done by professional teachers in order to make the teaching and learning process run effectively. Similar with teacher V, teacher TY said as follow: “ Sebetulnya penting juga menyusun lesson plan, tapi kadang-kadang membebani dan juga membuat repot. Akhirnya kita disibukkan untuk membuat administrasi daripada bagaimana mencari tehnik-tehnik atau membina siswa supaya menjadi lebih baik. Kita terbelenggu oleh lesson plan ini. Sehingga kadang-kadang, lesson plan itu ya kita ambilkan dari internet. Biar cepet. ” Interview with teacher TY on September 9, 2009 The result of the interview above, of course, is not suitable with the real purpose of arranging lesson plan itself. By planning the lesson carefully, the teachers will get more chances to be creative and innovative in designing what techniques which should be taken in order to make the teaching and learning process become more fun. In their interviews, they stated that arranging lesson plan is important, but they did not actualize their understanding into a real action. “Hm…sejauh ini memantaunya melalui portofolio ya, melalui RPP yang dikumpulkan melalui, melalui a pa namanya…promes dan sebagainya dan pemantauan kehadiran”, said teacher S “ Jadi administrative untuk proses pembelajaran itu yang di nomorsatukan, tapi lalu teknis pembelajaran di kelasnya malah agak keteteran. Tuntutannya kan semacam itu, jadi itu yang jadi merepokan. Persiapan pasti perlu, Cuma ya urusan administratifnya mengalahkan urusan teaching and learning process. Karena masalahnya, urusan administrative tadi untuk jenjang kepangkatan juga dinilai. Ini yang terus terang agak merepotkan. ” Said teacher V Interview with teacher S V on September 4 9, 2009 The teaching and learning process in the classroom are based on the lesson plan which has been arranged. If there is an unexpected thing happening in the classroom, the teachers have to do some adaptation regarding the condition of the classroom at that time. In SMA N 1 Klaten, the teaching and learning process in the classroom seems to be very different from the activity planned in the teachers‟ lesson plan. It may happen because the teachers still see that lesson plan is a thing which should be submitted to the headmaster in order to follow the rule without consdering that they have to implement the lesson plan into a real action in the classroom.

b. Teacher Role