The Goal and Benefit of Teacher Certification

2008: 1 says that teacher certification is a process of giving an educator certificate to teachers who have fulfilled the requirements. It means that the certificates will be given to teachers and lecturers after they have fulfilled the requirements which have been set by the government. Similar definition is given by Education Minister Regulation number 182007 section 1 1. It is said that teacher certification is a process of giving an educator certificate to teachers in service. Moreover, it is mentioned in the next item that teacher certification can be followed by teachers in service who have possessed S1 or D4 degree as academic qualification. In harmony with some definitions above, Rubinstein, McDonough, and Allan depdiknas, 2006 says that licensure and certification is a process by which agency of the government grants permission to an individual to engage in a given occupation upon finding that applicant has attained the minimal degree of competency required to ensure that public health, safety, and welfare will be reasonably well-protected. It can be concluded that teacher certification is an acknowledgement for teachers as professional educators after they have passed the competency test done by the certification institution.

2. The Goal and Benefit of Teacher Certification

The government has, of course, reasons in setting the teacher certification program. The reasons are then reflected as the goal of the program. According to Kumaidi in Materi Sosialisasi Program Seritifikasi Pendidikan Propinsi Jawa Tengah 2006: 5, the goal of teacher certification program is to enhance teacher quality and to determine teacher eligibility in doing his duty as the study agent in realizing the national education goal as mentioned in the relevant Law and regulation. Related to the goal of the teacher certification program, there are some advantages that the teacher certification program brings. As summarized by Kumaidi in Materi Sosialisasi Program Seritifikasi Pendidikan Propinsi Jawa Tengah 2006: 5, there are some advantages that the teacher certification brings, they are: 1. To protect the teacher profession from incompetent actions which can destroy teachers‟ image. 2. To protect the society from the lack quality and professionalism of education. 3. As a means of quality guarantee for LPTK and quality control and teacher quantity for the education service users. 4. To keep LPTK from the internal intention and external pressure which is irrelevant with the regulation. 5. To get profession subsidy for the certified teachers. The teacher certification program is done under some basis for law. As mentioned by Samani et al 2008: 2 that there are some basis for law of teacher certification program, they are: a. The Act of the Republic of Indonesia Number 20, Year 2003 On National Education System. “ Pendidik harus memiliki kualifikasi minimum dan sertifikasi sesuai dengan jenjang kewenangan mengajar, sehat jasmani dan rohani, serta memiliki kemampuan untuk mewujudkan tujuan pendidikan nasional.” b. The Act of the Republic of Indonesia Number 14, year 2005 On Teacher and Lecturer “Sertifikasi adalah proses pemberian sertifikat pendidik untuk guru dan dosen. Sertifikat pendidik adalah bukti formal sebagai pengakuan yang diberikan kepada guru dan dosen sebagai tenaga profesional.” c. Governmental Regulation number 19, year 2005 on National Education Standard. “Pendidik harus memiliki kualifikasi akademik dan kompetensi sebagai agen pembelajaran, sehat jasmani dan rohani, serta memiliki kemampuan untuk mewujudkan tujuan pendidikan nasional. ” d. National Education Minister Regulation number 16, year 2005 on Educator Qualification Standard and Competencies. “Kualifikasi akademik guru pada satuan pendidikan jalur formal mencakup kualifikasi akademik guru pendidikan Anak Usia Dini Taman Kanak-kanakRaudatul Atfal PAUDTKRA, guru sekolah dasarmadrasah ibtidaiyah SDMI, guru sekolah menengah pertamamadrasah Tsanawiyah SMPMTs, guru sekolah menengah atasmadrasah aliyah SMAMA, guru sekolah dasar luar biasasekolah menengah luar biasasekolah menengah atas luar biasa SDLBSMPLBSMALB, dan guru sekolah menengah kejuruanmadrasah aliyah kejuruan SMKMAK .” e. The Instruction of Law and Human Rights Minister number I. UM.01.02-253. f. National Education Minister Regulation number 18, year 2007 on Certification for Teachers in Service which is then altered by National Education Minister Regulation number 11, year 2008 on Certification for Teachers in Service “1 Sertifikasi bagi guru dalam jabatan adalah proses pemberian sertifikat pendidik untuk guru dalam jabatan. 2 Sertifikasi sebagaimana dimaksud pada ayat 1 dapat diikuti oleh guru dalam jabatan yang telah memiiki kualifikasi akademik sarjana S1 atau diploma empat D- IV”. g. National Education Minister Regulation number 40, year 2007 on Teacher Certification in Service through Education Band. h. National Education Minister Decree number 056 O 2007 on the Forming of Teacher Certification Consortium. i. National Education Minister Decree number 057 O 2007 on The Decree of The University Organizer of Teacher Certification in Service.

4. The Mechanism of Teacher Certification