Media in Teaching Language

32 3 Revising The students review and re-examine the text to see how effectively they have communicated their ideas to the reader. Revising is not a simply activity of checking language errors but it is done to improve global content and organization of the ideas so the writer’s intention is clearer for the reader. 4 Editing At this stage, the students are focused on tidying up their works as they prepare the final draft to be evaluated by the teacher. The main activity done by the students at this stage is editing their mistakes on grammar, spelling, punctuation, sentences, diction, sentence structure, and accuracy of supportive textual material. The students are not always expected to know where and how to correct every error, but editing of the best of their ability should be done as a matter of course.

6. Media in Teaching Language

In teaching and learning language process, effective communication between teacher and students is intensively needed. To establish an effective communication, teachers need media that can help them to deliver a message or information. As stated by Soeparno 1987:1, media are a tool used as a channel to deliver a message 33 or information from a resource to receiver. In the teaching and learning context, the resource is a teacher, while the receiver is students. Media also can be used to transfer the learning material to reach the goal of study and increase the student’s achievement. In addition, Sudjana and Rivai 2007 state media is a tool in the systematic instruction that can accelerate the students’ learning process which in turn is hoped to increase the students’ achievement. Thus, media are the main component and tool such as photograph, chart, diagram, poster, leaflet and brochure pamphlet which are needed in the teaching and learning language process to help establish condition used by the teacher to facilitate the instruction in order to support students to reach the goal of the study. Moreover there are so many functions of media in the teaching and learning process. According to Sudjana and Rivai 2007:1-2 there are some functions of media, as follows: 1 To attract students’ attention By using media, the instruction can be more interesting and students will be more interested in learning process designed by the teacher, which in turn will raise their motivation in learning a subject. 2 To make the lesson more meaningful and understandable Learning material will be easier to be understood and meaningful. So, it is expected that students will be able to reach the goal of teaching and learning better. 34 3 To reduce the length of time Teaching and learning activities are not only verbal communication. Knowledge that will be transferred to the students will be understood easily by seeing or using the media. So, the length of time required can be reduced. 4 To make students more active in learning process. When the process of teaching and learning happens, students are not only listening to the teacher’s explanation but also doing other activity such as observing, interpreting, explaining, demonstrating, practicing, etc. on the process, students learn actively which in turn will prevent students from feeling bored and reducing this condition. Referring to the explanation above, it is clear that the use of media is important in teaching and learning English. They help both the teacher and the students to achieve the goal of the study. And media help the students to gain their interest. Those are in line with Harmer 2007:177 who suggests four media which can be used in the classroom. Those are realia, pictures, cards, and Cuisenaire rods. Realia is the real objects or the replica of them. The benefit of using realia is it is quite useful and intrinsically interesting. Moreover, realia also provides variety of language work and communication activities. The second is picture. Teachers have always used pictures or graphics whether they are drawn, taken from books, newspapers and magazines, or photographed to facilitate learning. The third is card. 35 Cards as a media can be used for various activities such as matching and ordering, selecting, and card games. The last is Cuisenaire rods which are actually a set of small blocks of wood or plastics of different length. They can also be used for many activities such as to show stresses, prepositions, and so on.

7. Comic Strips a. Comics