Weighing the Problems based on the Urgency Level Problems Selection based on the Feasibility to Solve Pre-requisite Analysis

52 continued No Problems Code 9 The materials were taken from textbook and LKS sometimes were monotonous. Ma 10. The teaching method used in writing activity was not interesting. Mt 11. The English teaching and learning process was teacher- centered. A 12. The activities were boring. A Note: S : students Mt : method T : teacher Ma : material Me : media A : activities

b. Weighing the Problems based on the Urgency Level

After identifying the field problems, the aspects that have to be repaired was considered. As stated in the first chapter, it only focused on the stude nts’ learning process and the media in writing. As the result, problems that related to those were limited and selected. Based on the discussion there are six categories of the main problem that most significant and related to this research. Table 3: The Field Problems based on the Significance Level No Problems Code 1. Some students were not participated in the teaching and learning process. St 2. Some students were not involved in doing the assignment. St 3. The teacher rarely grouped the students in order to build up discussion. Tch 4. The teaching method used in writing activity was not interesting. Mtr 5. The English teaching and learning process was teacher-centered. Act 6. The activities were boring. Act 53

c. Problems Selection based on the Feasibility to Solve

Because of the limitation of time, fund, and energy, some of the feasible problems to be solved were selected. The problems were as follows. Table 4: The Assessment of the Problems based on the Feasibility to Solve the Problems No Problems Code 1. The teaching media that were used in writing activity was not interesting. Mtr 2. Some students have little participation in every activities and were not involved in doing the assignment. St 3. Some students have little practice in writing. St 4. The activities were boring. Act

d. Pre-requisite Analysis

After determining the feasible problems needed to be solved, the pre-requisite analysis were done. They selected the feasible problems into prerequisite order. It aimed to find the cause-effect relationship between the problems and the action implemented. They agreed that the teaching minimum usage of media in the teaching and learning process became the major problem influencing other problems. The teacher also mostly has most order students to translate the text or just telling story which was not related to the learning activity.

e. Determining the Actions to Solve the Field Problems