83 and read the manga comic as the questionaire answers did. The students ’ activities in the class were so many and they have so many improvement in team- working, willing to work, classroom participation, paying attention to the material given. However, few students were still passive, joked and chatted with their friends were decreased. The implementation of comic strips activities were suucessfully done and make them enthusiast and involved in every activities. The group, teamwork and togetherness atmosphere in the activity was one of the important factor that help the students improvement to be better. In addition, the activity was more effective and more efficient. The material was delivered easily in sufficient time. 2 The actions by providing the classroom activity with some interesting activity and material by using comic strips were effectively done. The students show their effort in following the learning process due to the improvement of their involvement in learning process. Regarding the finding of Cycle II that all actions were successful in improving the students’ involvement especially in reading and the objectives of the research were achieved, therefore this research agreed to be ended in this cycle.

C. Discussion

This subchapter presents the research findings of all actions that had been done in the research. The findings could be inferred from the observation of the teaching and learning process, interviews with the students and interviews with the English teacher. As stated before, the research aimed at improving students’ learning 84 process especially in terms of interest and the participation while they learning writing recount text in students of VIII B in SMP N 2 Padangan through comic strips. In the first cycle, the main action was implementing comic strips in the last steps of 1 cycle. It was successful to make students understand and help them find the big picture of the recount text story. They also make the discussion with their friends to make sure they were in line with their friends in finding the main story. They were not only doing best for them selves but also helping their friends understand. Besides, the use of interesting activity was effective in arous ing students’ creativity and avoiding boredom. However, there were some problems which occurred in implementing the actions related to classroom management, students’ participation of those who was absent and time management. Therefore, to solve those problems in Cycle 2 the students’ involvement must be improved effectively. The following table are comparison between actions in Cycle I and Cycle II. Table 7: The Comparison of the Actions in Cycle I and Cycle II Cycle I Cycle II Giving the comic strips to make the students enthusiastic Giving the Comic strips with more addition and some interesting tasks related to the Comic Strips. Applying the activities that requires teamwork but it less controlled. Applying the activities which requires teamwork with some rules with influence in achievement point for each group. Giving handout to make students practice and deal with the Comic strips materials. Giving handout to make students practice and deal with the Comic strips materials and giving the additional task that more interesting for students to make them participated more in the 85 classroom activities. The students put in their own seat with their partner. The students have the different seating arrangement in doing the task. Then, the table below showed the research findings. It described changes occurring in the teaching and learning process from the pre-action, Cycle I, and Cycle II. Table 8: The Result of the Action Research Study No Pre-Condition Cycle 1 Cycle 2 1. The teaching media used in reading and writing activity was not interesting. The teaching method became interesting. However, there was noise during the teaching and learning process. The teaching method became interesting. There was less noise because the researcher added some individual task in each meeting. 2. Some students having little participation in every activities and were not involved in doing the assignment. The students were involved in the teaching and learning process. However, some students were passive. They do not pay attention to the teacher. Most of the students were involved in the teaching and learning process. 3. Students’ writing practice was very little The students have more writing practice due handout was helpful and provide some tasks integrated to the comic strips. Most of the students have more writing practice and it was useful for students’ improvement. Before the implementation of the actions, the teaching and learning process was less interesting and so noisy. The activities did not interesting to the students to be actively take part in the teaching and learning process. 86 After the actions were implemented, the teaching-learning process became more interesting and more enjoyable. The students were actively involved during the teaching-learning process. They also tried to learn the material autonomously. In a group, they helped each others to reach group goal. Each individual had contribution to the success of a group so that they paid attention from the beginning till the end of the teaching and learning process. They also did the tasks seriously. Besides, the use of interesting activity of the comic strips especially in the second cycle gave them interesting and enjoyable activity that they never had before. The activities made them interested due to there are no students asked to go to the toilet or just joked each other. They were happy with the rewards given as well. They had more spirit to work harder after receiving the rewards. Moreover, the students’ participation in writing recount text improved after the implementation of the actions. It could be seen from the students’ reading score. There was an improvement from Cycle I to Cycle II where the improvement were based on the criteria of effective writing process. Statistically, the improvement is shown in table below. Table 9: The Result of the S tudents’ improvement in learning process Data Before the Actions After the Actions Quant- ity Procent- age Cycle I Procent- age Cycle II Procent- age Students actively gave questions 9 26 18 53 28 82.3 Students followed and involved into the learning process well 7 20.5 22 64.7 29 85 87 Students did their homework 19 55.8 25 73.5 31 91 Students complained about the activity - - 3 1 Students were interested in doing the task 14 41 26 76.4 33 97 Students worked independently during the individual task. 12 35 18 53 24 70 Students followed the activity without making noise. 13 38 25 73.5 30 88 Mean 36 65 85.5 Based on the result above, the research team agreed that the implementation of Comic strips were successful to improve students’ involvement especially in writing recount text. I and the English teacher agreed to end the research in Cycle II because the objective of the research has been achieved. 88


This chapter discusses about the conclusion of the research, implication and suggestion for the English teacher, the institutions of education, the students and to the other researchers. The discussion of each section will be delivered as follows.

A. Conclusions

This research was implemented to the eighth grade students of SMPN 2 Padangan –Bojonegoro started on October, 2014, during the first semester of the academic year of 20142015. This study was successful to improve the learning process of writing recount text of the VIII B students at SMPN 2 Padangan by using Comic strips. The research was carried out in two cycles, and it was effective in improving the students’ writing learning process. The actions consisted of the use of comic strips as modelling of the input text, tasks combining with the use of activities, such as, games to improve the learning process. After implementing the two cycles, some effective ways were found in order to improve the writing learning process of the eighth grade students at SMPN 2 Padangan by using comic strips in the academic year of 20142015. First, the comic strips could attract students interest in learning the recount text as the input text. The use of comic strips made students better in learning the material and doing their tasks. This way is also effective to make students feel comfortable in gathering their ideas due to the simple and understandable comic strips.