Limitation of the Problem Formulation of the Problem

4 writing skills than the task to learn. Therefore the students got bored with the routine activity provided by the teacher and it had some impacts on their interest and ability in writing. One of the factors why students of SMPN 2 Padangan get low scores in writing was they lacked of practice. Along the meeting, the teacher gave them theories and even jokes, so the time were not allocated well for them to have practice. Therefore they did not have an opportunity to develop their writing skills, whereas practicing and giving the task are very important. Practicing in writing was only given by the teacher as homework. When it became homework, certainly they did it by themselves and are not guided by the teacher. Therefore some students found some difficulties and were not interested when doing the homework. The students’ attitude toward the target language influences the output of the target language. Students will have good attitude toward the target language if they are interested in their teacher’s way of delivering the material.

C. Limitation of the Problem

In the wider area of the problems, those cannot be identified and solved better, so the problems need to be limited in this study. Therefore, the research is mainly focused on the efforts to improve students’ learning process in terms of enthusiasm, practice and participation in writing learning process by using the comic strips, due to the weaknesses which were stated before. Based on the previous explanation, the study of the writing learning process by using the comic strips was expected to encourage students ’ interest and 5 their involvement in writing learning process, due to the content of the comic strips which is very interesting and has some creative ideas based on the story of the comic. In this study, the eighth grade students of SMP N 2 Padangan, Bojonegoro were selected as the subject of this study, because it is revealed that the main problem of uninterested students in the learning process is low practice and the lack of interesting media from other resources. In addition, the students tend to spend much time just for listening and understanding the kind of text types, especially recount text without having enough practice in writing it. If the process is going continuously, it can decrease the students’ interest and it will not be able to be increased. The research was conducted to solve the problems of writing that were stated above by the using comic strips with some considerations related to the text type.

D. Formulation of the Problem

Based on the explanation of the English teaching and learning problems that have been mentioned in the identification of the problems and based on the focus of the study, the problem is formulated as follows: “How can writing learning process of the eighth grade students of SMP N 2 Padangan, Bojonegoro in the academic year of 20142015 be improved by using Comic Strips? ” 6

E. Objective of this Study