Select an assignee, as shown in Add conditions filters, as shown in

3-10 Oracle Fusion Middleware Users Guide for Oracle Business Process Management Figure 3–8 Adding Filters for an Advanced Search on Tasks Table 3–3 describes the available conditions. Table 3–3 Advanced Search: Conditions Condition Description Start Date The start date of the task used with ToDo tasks. Assignees The current task assignees users, groups or application roles. Task Definition Name The name of the task component that defines the task instance. Owner Role The application role if any that owns the task instance. Task owners can be application roles, users, or groups. If the owner of the task is an application role, this field is set. Updated Date The date that the task instance was last updated. Created The date that the task instance was created. Composite Version The version of the composite that contains the task component that defines the task instance. Creator The name of the creator of the task. Working on Tasks in Process Workspace 3-11 5. Add parameter values, shown in Figure 3–9 . From User The from user for the task. Percentage Complete The percentage of the task completed used with ToDo tasks. Title The title of the task. Owner Group The group if any that owns the task instance. Task owners can be application roles, users, or groups. If the owner of the task is a group, this field is set. End Date The end date of the task used with ToDo tasks. Priority An integer that defines the priority of the task. A lower number indicates a higher priority; typically numbers 1 to 5 are used. Number An integer that uniquely identifies the task instance. Composite The name of the composite that contains the task component that defines the task instance. Due Date The due date of the task used with ToDo tasks. State The state of the task instance. Composite Distinguished Name The unique name for the particular deployment of the composite that contains the task component that defines the task instance. Task Display URL The URL to display the details for the task. Updated By The user who last updated the task. Outcome The outcome of the task, for example approved or rejected. This is only set on completed task instances. Task Namespace The namespace of the task. Approvers The approvers of the task. Application Context The application to which any application roles associated with the tasks such as assignees, owners, and so on belong. Owner User The user if any that owns the task instance. Task owners can be application roles, users, or groups. If the owner of the task is a user, this field is set. Identifier The optional custom unique identifier for the task. This is an additional unique identifier to the standard task number. Expires The date on which the task instance expires. Category The category of the task. Acquired By The name of the user who claimed the task in the case when the task is assigned to a group, application role, or to multiple users, and then claimed by the user. Component The name of the task component that defines the task instance. Original Assignee User The name of the user who delegated the task in the case when the user delegates a task to another user. Assigned The date that this task was assigned. Domain The domain to which the composite that contains the task component that defines the task instance belongs. Table 3–3 Cont. Advanced Search: Conditions Condition Description 3-12 Oracle Fusion Middleware Users Guide for Oracle Business Process Management Figure 3–9 Advanced Search

6. Select Any or All for matching multiple filters.

7. Optional Search on a task type.

8. Click Search.

The task list with the tasks filtered according to your criteria appears. How to Create and Customize Worklist Views

The Worklist Views area, shown in Figure 3–10 , displays the following: ■ Inbox —Shows all tasks that result from any filters you may have used. The default shows all tasks. ■ My Work Queues —Shows standard views and views that you defined. ■ Proxy Work Queues —Shows shared views. Working on Tasks in Process Workspace 3-13 Figure 3–10 Worklist Views Use Worklist Views to create, share, and customize views. To create a worklist view:

1. In the Worklist Views section, click Add.

2. Use the Definition page of the Create User View dialog box, shown in

Figure 3–11 . Figure 3–11 Creating a Worklist View