Facial Animation Morphing and Deformation Cross Dissolve

Text-to-Video: Text to Facial Animation Video Convertion – Hamdani Winoto, Hadi Suwastio, Iwan Iwut T. ISSN 1858-1633 2005 ICTS 63


2.1 Basic Theory

2.1.1MPEG-4 Face and Body Animation Video compression technology used before MPEG-4 is just talking about inter and intra frame compression. By having the virtual and synthetic model on MPEG-4, the better compression than the previous video is resulted. The new MPEG-4 technology can be applied in every multimedia field. Nowadays, MPEG-4 is still in the trial of appearing the face and body animation. FDP Face Definition Parameters is a set of values which identified a certain pattern of a face. These FDP values will be translated, scaled, and rotated by FAP Face Animation Parameters. FAP is the displacement vector value which normalized the FDP changes [9].

2.1.2. Facial Animation

The origin of introducing morphing technique is because of the needed of special effect software, for example; how to make the expression which is impossible to be done by human beings Like how to open the mouth widely until it reach the four head. Facial Animation technique is used to make the moving pictures effect smooth transformation among pictures so that the video is resulted. Principally, there are only two pictures which called source picture and target picture, morphing technique is used to make the transformation effect from the source picture become target picture become some shift pictures smoothly, so that it seems like a video.

2.1.3. Morphing and Deformation

Deformation effect is a technique used in order to change an object 2D or 3D object into other object. What is needed is just an o object which is going to be deformed. Morphing effect is the effect which is used to change an object into other object. The difference between morphing and deformation is that morphing needs two objects while deformation needs one object only [8].

2.1.4. Cross Dissolve

Cross Dissolve morphing method is the simplest morphing method. In this method, what is needed is just appearing two pictures by transparent mode. Linearly, Secara linier, transparansi gambar asal akan berkurang dan transparansi gambar target akan bertambah seiring dengan berkurangnya transparansi gambar asal. By using this method, the source pictures will be slowly disappear while the targets slowly appear.

2.1.5. Feature Morphing