Information and Communication Technology Seminar, Vol. 1 No. 1, August 2005 ISSN 1858-1633 2005 ICTS 136 the decision making systek in diagnosing breast carcinoma tumor in all health service institutions in Indonesia.


Molecular Biology explains that cancer is caused by genetics mutation of BRCa1 and BRCa2. Around 2 of the cases show that this spontaneous mutation happens because of environmental effect. Based on epidemiology, breast carcinoma tumor caused by some factors called risk factors like age, hormone, diet, virus, radiation, others tumor sufferers and the wrong life pattern. Breast carcinoma develops mostly in dictums then goes through the parenchyma. The spread of this disease goes through the axial lymph local metastasis , then systemic. Further Metastasis can attack to the bone, lungs, and liver. Patient Prognosis is determined based on the spread and potency metastasis. But, without therapy, the ability to survive for the sufferers during 5 years is 16-22 and for 10 years is 1-5 . The survival ability of these sufferers is determined by the stage of the disease, treatment, histopathology description, estrogen and progesterone receptor and other bimolecular signals. Seen from oncology, immunity factor hold an important role towards the occurrence of this disease especially the violation to the immune system which affects the vicious cell formation. Tunor cell is a foreign material in the body with specific antigen arrangement. This material can trigger the immune response so that it is called as tumor associated antigen TAA. TAA is a surface antigen which rise the specific immune e response if injected to the same hospes. The individual response toward the tumor cell development is different because: 1. Body rejection because of incompatibilty 2. Body reception toward the foreign material. 3. the grow of that foreign material in the Genetically T cell is the host in controlling the tumor grows. That cell has the death ability directly the tumor cell through immune system activation. There are 2 kinds of T cell, CD 4 and CD 8; CD 4 will stimulate the emition of any mediator and induct any inflamation respon and CD 8, beside it has the ability to produce limfokin, themani thing is that its ability to kill the tumor cell directly. T cell has the memory to face the tumor cell through the change of T cell surface.one form of the change antigen is CD 44 on the surface of T cell membrane. The recent study expresses that CD 44 gene as the main indicator in diagnosing cancer, mestatasis diagnostic, and control the cure. CD 44 is molecule in leucocyt cell which take part in cell mediated community, limphocyt recirculation, T cell activation, adhetion to the other cells, intercellular matrix, hyaluronida metabolism, signals transduction through membrane cell and secretion. Through the complex mechanism, gens regulate the cell funtion and there is an expression change of the savage of the tumor. Based on this funtion, CD 44 expression is related to the metastasis in cancer Azamris dkk,2003.


Watershed Morphology algorithm is developed from the mathematics morpology with the basic idea of exploration of image structure in the fromation element. Till now, mathematics morphology has been implemented inmany fields like medical imaging, material science, vision sytem and remote sensing. Meyer dkk, 2004. The important concept of this system is the image segmentation based on region edge detection of the forming image structure. Jiang dkk,2001. Every segment in image topography has volume in a basin. Every dam in image topography is conneted to the watershed line so that there will be connected segments. Meyer dkk, 2004. Every dam has different size depend on the forming image structure. If it is analogued that every dam will be filled with water thaen it will make difference in the surface water of each segment. The form process of watershed segmentation is explained in Figure 1. Figure 1. The forming of watershed segmentation. The forming of watershed segmentation is started with image topography initiialzation, gradient transformation according to the grayness of the image and the forming of waterhed line which connects the dam or basin. Structurally the concept of dam and waterShed line is explined in Figure 2. Computer Assisted Diagnosis System Using Morphology Watershed for Breast Carcinoma Tumor – Sri Yulianto Hindriyanto ISSN 1858-1633 2005 ICTS 137 Figure 2. local minima structure and watershed segmentation line.


figure 3. the diagram of study phases. Generally, the study is done through several; phases like the following: 1. Early processing. The image conversion process from color into grayscale. Ti is done with double approach that is the saving of binary image. Pixel is represented into discrete value 0 and 1. Binary image is saved as logic array. 2. The calculation of segmentation function, identification every segment nbased on the grayness of the image.. 3. Identification and signaling the pixel of the object in front of the image, determine the relation between the front grounds of image structure. 4. Identification and signaling the pixel of the object in the background of the image, determine the pixel of the object which isunrelated with the other object of the image. 5. Function modification of segmentation to identify minima flat, determine the location and signal the minima flat on the image. 6. Determining the watershed function from segmentation modification based on the segmentation calculated from watershed function. Figure 3 shows the phases of the study.