SUGGESTION ICTS2005 The Proceeding

Politeness in Phoning By Using WAP and WEB – Amaliah Bilqis Husni Muhammad ISSN 1858-1633 2005 ICTS 79 Figure 6. Context-Selection at WEB. Receiver also will give choice to enter context for different groups. Also there is a choice to fill text any, if receiver like to give information more specific. Figure 7. Context at different group

4.2. Context_Call Application .

Application of Context-Call replace normally interface before phoning. This interface phone pursuant to WEB. caller open application, then caller is asked to enter number phone one who wish in phone-call, like Figure 8. and there is a choice also for context “ in this time” or “ not in this time” Figure 8. Context-Call at WEB. Number is sending to WEB server, then server check phone-call number, if there is a phone-call number context, hence context will be sent to caller., like Figure 9. Figure 9. Result of context_call [at] WEB. Now caller have 3 choices and know receiver context, so that receiver do not feel annoyed.


This System consist of 3 main component they are : application of context-call, application of context_selection and in general. Every application use WAP and WEB. Both of application is sharing same data base at backend where information of context kept. Receiver Caller WAP Server WEB context- selection context- selection context-call Response Call co nte xt- ca ll Figure 10 Architecture.


Knowing Context and situation one who will be invited to communicate to play role important before starting itself communications. By comparing between long distance communications and natural communications at environment of social, we can see that communications social is more “ rich” and one very important reason is because knowledge about mutual context between both parties. At this paper is depicted about context system; This system permit receiver use WAP and WEB for share of context and earn more selective doormat in long distance communications . Receiver can give information about his context to caller. Then caller can decide do this right time to phone. Receiver can set his context not just only at the moment, but earn also for a few time to the fore With addition of group for receiver, will take care of receiver’s privacy. Every group can accept different context at the same time. By using this application can make phone mobile not bother in each situation and with advantage always turn on every moment.


For furthermore development: we see addition at interface user, that is integrating context-selection with calendar and profile. Also integrate application of call with book address. REFERENCE [1] Schmidt, A., Takaluoma, A., and mäntyjärvi, J., Context-Aware Telephony over WAP, Information and Communication Technology Seminar, Vol. 1 No. 1, August 2005 ISSN 1858-1633 2005 ICTS 80 Personal Technologies, vol 4 4, pp. 225-229, September 2000. [2] Chin, J., Tatchell, G., The Telephony Customer Interface: Five Perspectives on Problems and Solutions. Proceedings of CHI 96, 1996 [3] Liechti O, Siefer N and Ichikawa T. A Non- obtrusive User Interface for Increasing Social Awareness on the World Wide Web. Personale Technologies 3 12, 1999: 22-32. [4] Jacknis, M., Sawhney, N., Schmandt, C. GarblePhone: Auditory Lurking, July 2000. hone [5] Schmidt, A., Aidoo, K.A., Takaluoma, A., Tuomela, U., van Laerhoven, K., Van de Velde, W. Advanced Interaction in Context. 1st International Symposium on Handheld and Ubiquitous Computing HUC99, Karlsruhe, Germany, 1999 Lecture notes in computer science; Vol 1707, ISBN 3-540-66550-1; Springer, 1999.pp 89-101 Information and Communication Technology Seminar, Vol. 1 No. 1, August 2005 ISSN 1858-1633 2005 ICTS 81 IMPELEMENTATION OF HIERARCHY COLOR IMAGE SEGMENTATION FOR CONTENT BASED IMAGE RETRIEVAL SYSTEM Nanik Suciati, Shanti Dewi Jurusan Teknik Informatika, FTIF. Institut Teknologi Sepuluh November Kampus ITS, Keputih – Sukolilo - 60117 Email:, ABSTRACT Nowadays, digital image processing have been used in various applications. One of the applications is content-based image retrieval CBIR system which use image content as key for retrieval process. Two important processes in CBIR system are storing process and retrieval process. Input system is digital image. In the storing process, the original input image together with the color and shape features, are saved in the database. The image features are obtained using region extraction process. While in the retrieval process, input image is used as a parameter query key. Output from this retrieval process is list of images which contain the query object. This research implement CBIR system using color image segmentation, relationship tree representation, and matching-tree method. Segmentation method used are region growing and region merging. Tree- matching method does the retrieval process by using relationship and features of region as parameter in order to compare the similarity between two images. Based on the experimental result to some object query, can be concluded that color image segmentation method, representation of segmentation result with relationship tree and tree-matching method have fairly high efficiency ratio. The experimental result of 10 object query shows that the efficiency rate of retrieval process is about 60 up to 80. Methods used in this content-based image retrieval system has high efficiency rate about 80 up to 100 especially if the relationship structure from the object query consist of more than one node region. Keywords : Image retrieval system, Region growing, Region merging, hierarchical of region relationship.