Computer Assisted Diagnosis System Using Morphology Watershed for Breast Carcinoma Tumor – Sri Yulianto Hindriyanto ISSN 1858-1633 2005 ICTS 137 Figure 2. local minima structure and watershed segmentation line.


figure 3. the diagram of study phases. Generally, the study is done through several; phases like the following: 1. Early processing. The image conversion process from color into grayscale. Ti is done with double approach that is the saving of binary image. Pixel is represented into discrete value 0 and 1. Binary image is saved as logic array. 2. The calculation of segmentation function, identification every segment nbased on the grayness of the image.. 3. Identification and signaling the pixel of the object in front of the image, determine the relation between the front grounds of image structure. 4. Identification and signaling the pixel of the object in the background of the image, determine the pixel of the object which isunrelated with the other object of the image. 5. Function modification of segmentation to identify minima flat, determine the location and signal the minima flat on the image. 6. Determining the watershed function from segmentation modification based on the segmentation calculated from watershed function. Figure 3 shows the phases of the study.


A B C Figure 4 original image of breast carcinoma tumor spiculated margin, cluster microcalsification dan poorly defined mass A. Original image of spiculated margin B. Original image of cluster microcalsification C. Original image of poorly defined mass Image processing study using watershed morphology segmentation is applied to analyze mmamogaphy image in breast carcinoma tumor speculated margin, cluster micro calcification and poorly defined mass type . The algorithm implemented using Matlab 7.0 The original image of the three type of the breast carcinoma tumor are like Figure 4. Determine the magnitude gradient arithmetically resulted like the following image. Figure 5 gradient magnitude of the image of breast carcinoma tumor spiculated margin, cluster microcalsification dan poorly defined mass. Flat minima watershed line basin dam Preprocessing Compute segmentation function Identification and Marker of foreground pixel object Identification and Marker of background pixel object Segmentation function modificated for flat minima identification Determine Watershed function from Segmentation modified Information and Communication Technology Seminar, Vol. 1 No. 1, August 2005 ISSN 1858-1633 2005 ICTS 138 A B C It give the sign to the front ground of the object by making minima flat in every image form which can be placed using imregionalmax. Reconstruct the image using imreconstruct. The result of this process is like the following Figure.Figure 6. Figure 6 Image reconstruction of breast carcinoma tumor spiculated margin, cluster microcalsification dan poorly defined mass A Image reconstruction of spiculated margin B Image reconstruction of cluster microcalsification C Image reconstruction of poorly defined mass The arrow shows the tissue cell that change into tumor. Determining superimposed foreground marker sfm is that the process result of the reconstruction can be interpreted further. Figure 7 interprets the image based on sfm. Figure 7 determining sfm on the original brast carcinoma tumor spiculated margin, cluster microcalsification dan poorly defined mass A sfm image of spiculated margin breast carcinoma tumor B sfm image cluster of breast carcinoma ancer C sfm image of poorly defined mass breast carcinoma cancer The arrow shows the tissue cells which change into tumor. The visualization of morphology segmentation result can be done with color image or transparently according to intensity of the original image. In Figure 8, it showed the visualization of morphology segmentation of breast carcinoma tumor image. Figure 8. Visualization of morphology segmentation result of breast carcinoma tumor image spiculated margin, cluster microcalsification dan poorly defined mass A Visualization of morphology segmentation result of breast carcinoma tumor spiculated margin B Visualization of morphology segmentation result of breast carcinoma tumor cluster C Visualization of morphology segmentation result of breast carcinoma tumor poorly defined mass The arrow shows the tissue cell which change into tumor.