Fuzzy Logic Control FLC System Planning

Information and Communication Technology Seminar, Vol. 1 No. 1, August 2005 ISSN 1858-1633 2005 ICTS 162 µ F output 255 NB NS Z PS PB 0 64 128 192 255 Output Figure 9 Output membership function Figure 10 Fuzzification Flowchart Set point SP set through the keypad. Set point will send into minimum system, set point will decreased by present value PV that powered by position sensor resulting error position e_pos in the minimum system. Although position changing d_pos are recent error score et minus by previous error score e t-1. These two input gained by position sensor output. The number of pulse that enters from sensor divided to show recent motor movement. Error position and position change are fuzzification inputs. Fuzzy Logic Control FLC System contained fuzzification parts, inference, and defuzification. As the system revenue is a defuzzification process that consider by 8 bit binary as DAC input. DAC output will amplify in motor amplifier and the result is voltage to activate the motor. Each PV change will decrease with SP and the result is error position that will be fuzzification input with position change in that time again, that so over until the same error with zero or approximately zero.

3.1. Fuzzy Logic Control FLC System Planning

FLC inputs FLC inputs came from sensor position in pulse. From the sensor then formed two inputs which are error position e_pos and position change d_pos. Error position e_pos Error position is a difference between set point position SP and actual position PV. Error position e_pos = Set point SP – Position PV 3.1 Set point revenue by keypad that had a score between 0 o – 360 o with 8 bit resolution powered by microcontroller AT89C52 is 0 until 255. Position Change d_pos Position change is a difference between recent error value and previous error value. d_pos = e t – e t-1 3.2 Start e_pos = SP – PV d_pos = et – 1 Look at position error and position change b hi bl Finish Motor DC Position Control Based on Moving Speed Controlled by Set Point Changing Using Fuzzy Logics Control System – Andino Maseleno, Fajar Hayyin, Hendra, Rachmawati Lestari, Slamet Fardyanto, Yuddy Krisna Sudirman ISSN 1858-1633 2005 ICTS 163 d_pos shows position change with an interval as big as sampling value that had been done. Determine Membership Function Membership function derived by using trial and error method. Fuzzy set membership stated in function definition, by analyze to determine membership degree for each element in universes of discourse. Universes of discourse value amount in 0 until 255 that shows the lowest and highest value in microcontroller count. It also had other limitation which incapable to operate in negative sense and will be acquainted into positive. Error position membership Fuzzy membership function had different form depends on planning demand. Fuzzy membership function for error position input is five memberships set in triangle form as follows. Maximum membership function degree is not made to be same value with 1 but same value with 255, to use microcontroller resolution, so this membership degree became abnormally. Maximum membership function degree is not made to be same value with 1 but same value with 255, to use microcontroller resolution, so this membership degree became abnormally. Position change membership d_pos Using five memberships set in triangle form shows in Figure 8. Output membership Output membership function is five fuzzy singleton set had the same label with error and d_pos. Fuzzification Mapping from domain analog to domain fuzzy set. Fuzzy Set input is position error e_pos and position change d_pos, fuzzification flowchart can be shown on figure 10. After result fuzzy score from measurement. Thus, the next step is mapping data into appropriate fuzzy set with the result that gathering certain membership degree for a membership set. The process doing by function form for each fuzzy set or using table, it used Table 1 Fuzzy logic control rule Condition Rule no - Position Change d_pos Output 1 Positive Big Negative Big Negative Big 2 Positive Big Negative Small Negative Big 3 Positive Big Zero Negative Big 4 Positive Big Positive Small Negative Small 5 Positive Big Positive Big Zero 6 Positive Small Negative Big Negative Big 7 Positive Small Negative Small Negative Big 8 Positive Small Zero Negative Small 9 Positive Small Positive Small Zero 10 Positive Small Positive Big Positive Small 11 Zero Negative Big Negative Big 12 Zero Negative Small Negative Small 13 Zero Zero Zero 14 Zero Positive Small Positive Small 15 Zero Positive Big Positive Big 16 Negative Small Negative Big Negative Small 17 Negative Small Negative Small Zero 18 Negative Small Zero Positive Small 19 Negative Small Positive Small Positive Big 20 Negative Small Positive Big Positive Big 21 Negative Big Negative Big Zero 22 Negative Big Negative Small Positive Small 23 Negative Big Zero Positive Big 24 Negative Big Positive Small Positive Big 25 Negative Big Positive Big Positive Big Information and Communication Technology Seminar, Vol. 1 No. 1, August 2005 ISSN 1858-1633 2005 ICTS 164 to mapping error position membership degree e_pos and position change membership degree d_pos. The table system choose because easier, simple and quick these and because there is no arithmetic process. The system lack ness is using a lot of memory, but it does matter because there is enough memory. Inference Rule Base The Used Fuzzy Logic rules depend on the control system. There is no exact formulation in determine fuzzy rules and input output membership function. Fuzzy rule base in these control based on “if – then” rule, able to shows rule and relation between position error, position change, and output. The planning is using MAX-MIN method. Defuzzification Defuzzification process is final part of fuzzy logic set for purpose in mapping fuzzy set from inference result into the real value. Mean of Maximum MOM used because operationally usable. Defuzzification solution observed by taking average domain score which has maximum membership score. Defuzzification membership set is fuzzy singleton set. It use to simplify the system and easier the count. Recent defuzzification output used to control the voltage to arrange motor position. If output is positive then the voltage will increase and if output is negative then voltage will decrease. Software Planning Fuzzy logic control process doing by the program made using assembler language for microcontroller AT89C52. These Program reading actual data from position sensor which presentate motor position then compare with the set point and processing contain fuzzification, inference and defuzzification. Fuzzy result continued to DAC to control motor position. System responds shows in graphic against time.