Information and Communication Technology Seminar, Vol. 1 No. 1, August 2005 ISSN 1858-1633 2005 ICTS 154 MULTIMODAL-ELIZA PERCEIVES AND RESPONDS TO EMOTION

S. Fitrianie and L.J.M. Rothkrantz

Man-Machine-Interaction Group, Delft University of Technology E-mail: {s.fitrianie, l.j.m.rothkrantz} ABSTRACT A growing number of research programs aimed at development human-computer dialogues to be more like human-human dialogues. We develop a question answering system that can perceive and respond to user emotions. Based on the famous Weizembaum’s Eliza, the system can communicate with human users using typed natural language. It is able to reply with text prompts and appropriate facial expressions. An experiment has been conducted to determine how many and what kind emotional expressions produced by humans during conversation. Keywords :Weizembaum’s Eliza, human-computer dialogue, emotion


Emotions play an important role in communication. They are communication and control systems within the brain that mobilize resources to accomplish the goals specified by our motives. Humans convey their emotion thoughts through verbal and nonverbal behaviors synchronously. Composing linguistic contents is probably the only method that can simultaneously convey speaker’s belief, intentions, meta-cognitive information about mental state along with the speaker’s emotional state. We are used to convey our thought through our conscious or unconscious choice of words. Some words possess emotive meaning together with their descriptive meaning. The descriptive meaning of this type of words along with a sentence structure plays a cognitive role in forming beliefs and understanding. The instantaneous emotional state is directly linked with the displayed expression 0. Emotion expressions have three major functions: 1 they contribute to the activation and regulation of emotion experiences; 2 they communicate internal states and intentions to others; and 3 they activate emotion in others, a process that can help account for empathy and altruistic behaviour. The human face in particular serves not only communicative functions, but they are also the primary channel to express emotion. Each facial expression provides very different information. Seeing faces, interpreting their expression, understanding the linguistics contents of speech are all part of our development and growth. Many researchers showed that the capability of communicating with humans using both verbal and nonverbal behaviors will make the interaction more intimate and human-like 000. Using facial displays as means to communicate have been found to provide natural and compelling computer interfaces 000. The challenge is that facial expressions do not occur randomly, but rather are synchronized to one’s own speech or to the speech of other 00. As a proof of concept, we developed a demonstrator of a multimodal question answering system based on the famous Eliza program 0. The system simulates human-human conversation using typed natural language. It is capable to reason about emotions in the natural language. This system will show a facial expression for each user input as its stimulus response. Subsequently, it will give a natural language reply together with an appropriate facial expression to convey emotional content. Our developed system has a list of facial expressions that corresponds to possible emotions.


As most of question answering QA systems nowadays, Eliza worked by simple pattern matching operation and substitution of keywords 0. It used two transformation rules that were associated with certain keywords: 1 a decomposition rule serves to decompose an input string according to a pattern; and 2 a reassemble rule serves to reassemble a reply sentence. The original approach had three problems 0: 1 lack of anaphoric analysis, it could not use previous conversation to keep the continuity of the content and to store information about user; 2 lack of ability to restrict the conversation on its topic and 3 lack of ability to get the meaning beyond the sentence. Wallace proposed to use an extended-XML script, called AIML to control his QA system, A.L.I.C.E 0. AIML has two additional transformation rules: 1 a current conversation topic pattern rule; and 2 a history pattern rule that refers to the system’s previous reply. In addition, using XML syntax, we can add tags to retrieve information about users from conversations and use it in the next dialogues. The matching operation searches the best match input pattern. It will search first in the same conversation topic and the same history pattern. By this way, A.L.I.C.E has more The research reported here is part of the Interactive Collaborative Information Systems ICIS project, supported by the Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs, grant nr: BSIK03024 Multimodal-Eliza Perceives and Responds to Emotion – S. Fitrianie L.J.M Rothkrantz ISSN 1858-1633 2005 ICTS 155 possibilities of reply sentences based on their topic and history than Eliza. Our developed QA system uses Wallace’s pattern matching operation.


Our developed system is capable to extract emotion indications or emotion eliciting factors from a dialog. The system will reason the results to trigger one of possible displayed expressions. As a reference, we have performed an experiment to determine a list of possible expressions applied by our QA system.

3.1. Dialog Processing

Our prototype extracts emotion-eliciting factors from a dialog using two approaches. First, the system analyzes the choices of words in a string. For this purpose, we developed an emotive lexicon dictionary. Currently, it consists of 347 emotion words merged from 000. Based on 0, the words were depicted into eight octants of valence-arousal see table 1. For some ambiguous emotion words, we used a thesaurus to figure out the closeness semantic meaning of the words with other words within an octant. A parser matches the string against the dictionary and calculates a counter C for “pleasant” and “unpleasant” using the following equation: ∀ l i ∈ d i | C i t = C i t-1 + I i . s ∀ j ≠ i| C j t = C j t-1 – I i 3 Where, l is the lexicon and d is the dictionary, i is the active pleasantness, I is the lexicon’s arousal degree, s is a summation factor, and j is [pleasant, unpleasant]. The system will take the counter with the highest values. category affect name=”neutral” patternWHAT IS YOUR NAMEpattern thatthat template setconcernpleasantsetconcern setaffectpleasantsetaffectMy set_topicnameset is bot name=”name”. template affectcategory topic name=NAME category affect name=”unpleasant” thatMY NAME IS that patternYOUR pattern templaterandom lisetconcernpleasantsetconcern I am sorry, but tell me your lisetconcernunpleasantsetconcern I am sorry, tell me what random template affectcategory ... Figure 21. Example units in the AIML database. Finally, the system extracts the dialog emotional situation. For this purpose, we added two labels in the AIML scheme see figure 3: 1 a label to distinct a user’s emotional situation “affect”; and 2 a label to distinct the system’s emotional situation “concern”. These labels describe a type of a valance neutral, pleasant or unpleasant or a sign of a joke. By these additional tags, the input pattern matching operation searches first then not only in the same conversation topic and the same history pattern, but also in the same user’s emotional situation. By this way, the tag also indicates the conversation’s emotional situation.

3.2. Emotion Expression Experiment

How many and what kind of displayed emotional expressions are used in conversation poses a non- trivial question. Many theorists and psychologists tried to categorized emotion types, e.g. 000. An experiment has been performed to recognize the most expressive facial expressions used in conversations. This experiment also addressed to figure out what kind objects, events, and actions that triggered these expressions. We recorded four dialogs of two participants. The participants were requested to perform dialogues about different topics and show as many expressions as possible. The video recordings were amounted. As a first step, three independent observers marked the onset and offset of an expression. In the next step, these expressions were labelled according to the context. The agreement rates between the observers in both steps were about 73. The experimental results indicated that our participants showed most of the time a neutral face. However, we managed to capture in total 40 different facial expressions; about 20-35 different expressions per participant in each dialog. The results also showed that the expressions were dependent not only on the choices of words but also on the context of the conversation. A word could mean different things according to the context of the conversation. Thereby, the speaker or the listener might display different facial expressions. Our experimental results were endorsed by an experiment conducted by Desmet 0. He found 41 displayed emotion expressions actually used to appraise a product table 1 – our experimental results did not have “greedy”. Based on 0, he depicted these expressions in two dimensions degree of “pleasantness” valence and “activation” arousal. Table 2. Emotions in Eight Octants, modified from 0 No Valence-Arousal Emotion Expressions 1. Neutral-Excited Curious, amazed, avaricious, stimulated, concentrated, astonished, eager. 2. Pleasant- Excited Inspired, desiring, loving 3. Pleasant- Average Pleasantly surprised, fascinated, amused, admiring, sociable, yearning, joyful 4. Pleasant-Calm Satisfied, softened 5. Neutral-Calm Awaiting, deferent 6. Unpleasant- Bored, sad, isolated, Information and Communication Technology Seminar, Vol. 1 No. 1, August 2005 ISSN 1858-1633 2005 ICTS 156 No Valence-Arousal Emotion Expressions Calm melancholy, sighing Unpleasant- Average Disappointed, contempt, jealous, dissatisfied, disturbed, flabbergasted, cynical Unpleasant- Excited Irritated, disgusted, indignant, unpleasantly surprised, frustrated, greedy, alarmed, hostile

3.3. Facial Expression Generation

Based on the findings in the experiment, in this work we adopted the work of 0. Current developed QA system has 41 static facial expressions depicted in eight octants of valence-arousal in the table 1. User: What is your name? Eliza Eliza: My name is Eliza. User: I hate you. Eliza Eliza: Why? Did I do something wrong? User: Your name reminds me to my ex- girlfriend who cheated on me. Eliza Eliza: I am sorry, but tell me your name. Figure 22. A dialog fragment between a user and Eliza Figure 2 displays an example of a dialog fragment between our QA system Eliza and its user. When the system receives a user string input, it displays a facial expression as its stimulus response. Another facial expression is displayed to convey the system’s reply sentence. The system uses one to one corresponding facial expressions and emotions. The following section explains how the system reasons its own emotional state.


Figure 23. Emotion Model Figure 3 shows the emotion model of our prototype QA system. The system was designed to have an agreeable personality. We describe each component of the emotion model in the following. Emotion Eliciting Factors Interpretation Besides extracting emotion indications in a dialog see section 3.1, based on 0, the system also assesses whether its current goal is achieved, whether the situation upholds or violates its principles, and whether the preferences are gained. For this purpose, we defined the system’s properties and rules that define its goals, principles, and preferences. For example: If a user says bad words then principle is violated If a user was sad and now is happy then goal is achieved Stimulus Response We defined rules for the system’s stimulus response on the emotion eliciting factors in user’s input and the system’s current mood. An example of these rules is: If input pleasantness C is pleasant-calm and affect is not unpleasant and goal is achieved and preference is neutral and principle is neutral and system current mood is happy and system emotion activation is calm Then system response is satisfied Cognitive Processing The cognitive processing involves in creating a reply sentence and a response that conveys the reply. To determine the response, we also defined rules based on the system’s mood and the emotion eliciting factors in both the user’s input and the system’s reply. For example: If input C is unpleasant-excited and affect is unpleasant and goal is not achieved and preference is neutral and principle is neutral and system mood is happy and system emotion activation is calm and reply C is unpleasant-excited and concern is unpleasant Then system response is alarmed Mood To design the system’s mood or an emotion that last longer, it is necessary to observe the intensity of the system’s emotional state during conversation. To simplify, our prototype uses six affective thermometers classified by six Ekman’s universal emotions: happiness, sadness, anger, surprise, disgust, and fear 0. They change their value affected by the result of the cognitive processing. If an expression is active, the system will check its correspondence with the universal emotions based on table 2. It calculates all thermometers T using the following equation: T i t = T i t-1 + I i . s ∀ j ≠ i| T j t = T j t-1 - distance[j, i] Where, i is the active universal emotion type, s is a summation factor, I is the emotion expression’s arousal degree, and j ranges over all universal emotion types in table 2. The distance between two universal Multimodal-Eliza Perceives and Responds to Emotion – S. Fitrianie L.J.M Rothkrantz ISSN 1858-1633 2005 ICTS 157 emotions follows the work of Hendrix and Ruttkay see table 3 0. The emotion type with the highest value of the thermometers is considered as the system’s current mood. The mood and its value as the emotion’s activation –calm, average or excited are used in both knowledge bases to reason the system’s emotional state. Table 3 Universal emotions-Emotion Expressions Universal Emotions Emotion Expressions Happy Inspired, desiring, loving, fascinated, amused, admiring, sociable, yearning, joyful, satisfied, softened Sad Disappointed, contempt, jealous, dissatisfied, disturbed, flabbergasted, cynical, bored, sad, isolated, melancholy, sighing Surprise Pleasantly surprise, amazed, astonished Disgust Disgusted, greedy Anger Irritated, indignant, hostile Fear Unpleasantly surprised, frustrated, alarmed Neutral Curious, avaricious, stimulated, concentrated, eager, awaiting, deferent Table 4. Distance values between emotions 0 Happin ess Surpri se Anger Disg ust Sadne ss Happiness 0 3.195 2.637 1.926 2.554 Surprise 3.436 2.298 2.084 Anger 1.506 1.645 Disgust 1.040 Sadness