Information and Communication Technology Seminar, Vol. 1 No. 1, August 2005 ISSN 1858-1633 2005 ICTS 41 MUE: MULTI USER UML EDITOR Suhadi Lili, Sutarsa, Siti Rochhimah Informatics Department, Faculty of Information Technology, Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology Kampus ITS, Jl. Raya ITS, Sukolilo – Surabaya 60111, Tel. + 62 31 5939214, Fax. + 62 31 5913804 email :, ABSTRACT Most of software developers nowadays use object- oriented method, and Unified Modeling Language UML is the most popular modeling language used. There are a number of tools for modeling software application in UML notations, but the majority of those tools do not support multi-user mode, where on- line team collaboration is not supported. In this paper, we developed a multi-user UML Editor called WEKMU. This system allows a number of developers to work together at the client site on the same model and the server keep them updated in real time of any change made by others. This feature is implemented using .Net Remoting feature provided in .NET framework. Beside the view synchronization, this system also provide another feature, that is, Undo function, which enables user to return to the previous state of the model Keywords : UML Editor, .NET Framework.


UML is the most popular modeling language used by software developer that based their engineering process on Object Oriented method. This modeling language is known to be well-defined, expressive, powerful, and widely used. Nowadays, there are already a number of tools that support this modeling language, such as ArgoUML, Poseidon, and Rational Rose. But most of them were designed for single- mode user. As the consequence, those tools do not support an online collaborative way of designing a model, which is really common in real life. Therefore, we developed a multi-user UML editor called WEKMU. This paper covers four main issues of this system, that is: 1. How to model the 8 UML standard diagrams use case, class, state chart, activity, sequence, collaboration, component, and deployment. 2. How .NET Remoting feature from .NET is used. 3. How the undo strategy is done and its authorization. This paper is organized as follows. The second section describes the overview of the architecture of the system. The third section explains its implementation. The fourth section describes some result from testing phase. The last section concludes some findings and further works.


Figure 1 shows the system architecture of WEKMU. This system is comprises of two main applications, that is, client and server applications. The client application resides on the user’s sites, where the editing on a model are done. This application displays the UML elements according to their hierarchy as represented by the tree view. This view can be accessed through the the model explorer. As a modification is done by a user, the client application does not immediately modify the element. All the user actions are pushed to the server application. Then, the server application makes sure that all the required manipulations are done. Then, it propagates the result of the modification too all clients, so that all views are updated. Figure 4 System Architecture The server and client applications are connected using .NET Remoting [1][5]. This is done as follows. The server application registers all channels and the objects, which then registered as remoteable objects. The client application receives a proxy of a remoteable object that has been activated by the server. Through this proxy, a diagram modification request is sent by the client to the server, which by the proxy will be forwarded to the respective object.

2.1. The Architecture of UML Elements

There are at least 8 different diagrams in UML, i.e. use case, class, state chart, activity, sequence, collaboration, component, and deployment. Each diagram is filled with particular kind of elements. For instance, class diagram can only contain any of the following elements: class, association relation, Information and Communication Technology Seminar, Vol. 1 No. 1, August 2005 ISSN 1858-1633 2005 ICTS 42 generalization relation, dependency relation, and realization relation. An element in UML can be viewed in different diagrams. In order to do so, class representations of an element should be separated into model and glyph. An object model contains the name and other attributes of an element, while glyph contains the element position, dimension, and color in a diagram. Glyph is referred to an object model. This different glyph is then showed in corresponding diagram. This separation is implemented using a bridge pattern [4].

2.2. Model Element

A UML element can be grouped into 2 major groups, i.e. relation elements and shape elements, which become the source and destination object of a relation. A set of elements composed a hierarchy. An element can be a container of other elements. Table 1 shows the possible hierarchies. Table 1 Possible Hierarchies Element Possible sub-element Use case class diagram,use case diagram,activity diagram,state chart diagram class classinner class, Attribute, Method, state chart diagram, activity diagram Method Parameter, state chart diagram, activity diagram State state chart diagram ,acitvity diagram Activity state chart diagram, acitvity diagram Package use case, Class, sequence object, collaboration object, Package, Component, Device, Processor, Association, Generalization, Realization, Dependency, Message In order to arrange an element hierarchy as shown in Table 1, we use Composite pattern introduced by Gang of Four GoF[3]. By using this design pattern, all elements can be treated consistently, i.e. the container element or what it contains. The hierarchies of shape and relation elements are shown by Figure 2 and Figure 3, respectively. UmlBaseRelat ion UmlAssociat ionRelat ion UmlDependencyRelat ion UmlGeneralizeRelat ion UmlRealizeRelat ion UmlSt at eTransit ion UmlDeviceConnect ion UmlInt eract ionMessage Figure 5 Relation element hierarchy UmlClass UmlBaseShape UmlClassAt ribut e UmlElement UmlMet hod UmlMet hodParamet er UmlUseCase UmlSt at eAct ivit y UmlDecision UmlSwimline «property» + AttachedClass UmlI nt eract ionObject «property» + AttachedClass UmlComponent UmlDevice UmlProcessor UmlPackage - _UmlElement St at eAct ivit yCont ainer - _UmlElement - _UmlElement - _UmlElement - _UmlElement - _UmlElement Figure 6 Shape elements hierarchy Glyph Element BaseGraph BaseLineGraph BaseShapeGraph Relat ionLineGraph At t achedShapeGraph Not eGraph At t achedLineGraph _destGraph _sourceGraph Not eAnchorGraph _notedShape _theNote _notedLine Figure 7 Glyph Hierarchy Glyph is the part that responsible to handle the representation of an element. In general, an glyph object can be explained in two different views, i.e. shape-based object AttachedShapeGraphs and line- based object AttachedLineGraphs. A shape-based object contains information about dimension, width, height, and position of an object in x,y coordinate. A line-based object contains information about the direction of a line, which can be represented as dots of line. Figure 4 shows the class hierarchy for Glyph element. Figure 5 and 6 show their relation with model element. At t achedLineGraph UmlBaseRelat ion «property» + AttachedRelation Figure 8 Bridge between AttachedLineGraph and Model Element UmlBaseShape At t achedShapeGraph «property» + Obj ectModel Figure 9 Bridge between AttachedShapeGraph and Model Element Not all glyphs require this separation, because not all elements need to be shown in more than one diagram. The following are the elements that do not require separation: note and element link to a node. These elements, called BaseGraphs, do not require MUE: Multi User UML Editor – Suhadi Lili, Sutarsa, Siti Rochhimah ISSN 1858-1633 2005 ICTS 43 view consistency among diagrams, because it will only shown in one diagram. For this kind of element hierarchies, we do not apply bridge pattern [2][3].

2.3. Diagram Element

Diagram element represents the container of a glyph object. There are 8 derivation classes of UMLDiagram as being implemented by our application. The diagram hierarchy of these 8 classes can be seen in Figure 7. UmlDiagram UmlAct ivit yDiagram UmlClassDiagram UmlComponent Diagram UmlDeployment Diagram UmlSt at eChart Diagram UmlUseCaseDiagram UmlCollaborat ionDiagram UmlSequenceDiagram UmlElement Figure 10 Element Diagram Hierarchy

2.4. Editing

In our implementation, the editing process can be seen from two sides, i.e. at the client side and at the server side. Although the client application has the direct interaction with the user actions, any editing command on the model is not carried out by the client. The editing command, i.e. insert, update, or delete, is passed by the client to the server. The server takes the decision whether an editing command will be committed or not, and then notifies its decision to corresponding clients. As soon as client receives the notification, it will update its view accordingly. The client application consists of Diagram Editor Form and Model Explorer. The diagram editor form provides the user with means to edit a diagram. In this form, user interacts with the glyph objects. Figure 8 shows the use cases available in diagram editor form. autentified us er m em ilih elem en Drag elem en res ize elem ent hapus elem en m em buat elem en baru Form diagram render gam bar m em inta m em buat em en graph m em inta m odifikasi elem en graph m em inta delete elem en s inkronisas i data dengan s erver m enotifikas i client atas perubahan fro m Use-Ca se M o de l Diagram controller f rom U s e-C as e Model Figure 11 Use-cases for Diagram Editor Form The model explorer displays the model element according to the hierarchy of the element, which is viewed as a tree. In model explorer, user can interact with the model. Figure 9 shows the use cases available in model explorer. m enam bahkan elem en baru kondis inya dis ini adalah aplikas i client m em inta s erver untuk m em buat elem en renam e elem en autentified us er f rom ak si di f orm diagram ubah s pes ifikas i tam pilkan s pes ifikas i include delete elem en pada tree Model explorer m em inta delete elem ent m odel m em inta m odifikas i atribut m em inta m em buat elem en m odel baru Model Controller f rom U s e-C as e Model Figure 12 Use-cases for Model Explorer

2.5. Server Application Architecture

The server application is divided into two parts, i.e. Model Controller and Diagram Controller. The Model Controller is responsible to handle any manipulation action on the model. While the Diagram Controller is responsible to handle any manipulation action on the diagram. Therefore, there will only be one Model Controller and a number of Diagram Controllers for a running project. When the client application passes an editing command on a model element from user to the server, the command is handled by Model Controller. While an editing command on a diagram is handled by Diagram Controller. As already mentioned earlier, a model can be referred by many glyphs that view the model on different kind of diagrams. As the consequence, any manipulation on a model element should be synchronized through all of its corresponding glyphs. If a model element is deleted, then all of corresponding glyphs should be deleted from all diagrams. Since both objects, model and glyph, are handled by different Controllers, there should be a mechanism between both controller to handle such object manipulation. In our architecture, we used an observer pattern to represent the relation [2][3]. Figure 10 displays the implementation of this patter to these controllers. BaseDiagramCont roller + OnModelElementCreated + OnModelElementDeleted + OnModelElementModified ModelCont roller _lastUndoEnabledUserSession : long = -1 _lastUndoSequence : long = 0 UndoLength : int = 20 + CreateShapeBasedModelElement + CreateRelationBasedElement + StoreUndoData + «get» TopLevelPackage _modelController I List eningDiagram - _diagramControllerList 0..1 Figure 13 Class Relation: Model and Diagram Controller Given this architecture decision, a Model Controller can immediately manage a model element manipulation through all the Diagram Controller.

2.6. Undo

The undo command requires the application to store all previous states, model element and glyph, that follows sequence of manipulations. When an undo command is initiated, the application not only should reverse the sequence but also execute the opposite manipulation commands. For example, if an Information and Communication Technology Seminar, Vol. 1 No. 1, August 2005 ISSN 1858-1633 2005 ICTS 44 undo on a delete command is initiated, the application should recreate the deleted object. Memento Pattern In the manipulation action, the application modifies a model element or glyph. Therefore, in the state storing process, the internal variables of the object should be copied. These internal variables are probably private attributes of the object. It means that it cannot be accessed from outside. If we change these variables as public, we might intrude its encapsulation function. To solve this problem, we introduce memento pattern [3]. The class that contains the internal variables that need to be stored is added with a method, SaveCurrentState for model element and SaveGraphState for glyph, that instantiate a memento class, which will store the internal variables. Figure 11 and 12 show the implementation of memento pattern. UmlElement + SaveCurrentState + CopyAttributeFromStateSaver UmlElement Mement o «property» + SubElementState - _UmlElementMemento 0..1 Figure 14 Memento class for Model Element BaseGraph + GetGraphState + CopyAttributeFromStateSaver GraphMement o - _GraphMemento 0..1 Figure 15 memento class for Glyph State Saving Mechanism As already shown, a modification can be done on an model element or a glyph. Any modification requires the application to save the state before the modification takes effect. Therefore, any modification on a model element or glyph needs to be stored in a form of UndoItem or DiagramUndoItem, respectively. UML diagrams are correlated with each other. Any modification on a model element may require modifications on other diagrams. Therefore, it is not a wise architecture decision to implement the undo stack on a diagram level. Because it means that each diagram save its own undo information. The information for undo command needs to be integrated. The state of a model element that needs to be saved is embedded into its class structure, as shown in Figure 13. DiagramUndoI t em + «property» CreatedElementID : int [ ] + «property» ModifiedElementSavedState : GraphMemento [ ] + «property» DeletedElementSavedState : GraphMemento [ ] + «property» UndoDataOwnerID : int UndoI t em + «property» UndoSequenceNumber : long + «property» UndoDataOwner : long + «property» CreatedModelElementID : int [ ] + «property» ModifiedElement : UmlElementMemento [ ] + «property» DeletedItemState : UmlElementMemento [ ] - _DiagramUndoItem Figure 16 Class diagram for saving states The UndoItem can be describe as follows: ƒ UndoSequenceNumber, a sequence number of undo information. This number is used to verify whether an undo request is correspond to the sequence number. If it is not, than an undo request is rejected. ƒ DataOwner, the id of a user that has the right to request the undo, that is, the user that initiates the modification. ƒ CreatedModelElementID, a list of created element IDs. This attribute is filled if the modification is a create model element command. ƒ ModifiedElement, an array of UMLElementMemento instances that holds the states of model elements. This attribute is filled if a modification command is intitated. ƒ DeletedItemState, a state element of a deleted model element. This attribute is filled if the modification is a deleted model element command. The DiagramUndoItem is quite similar to UndoItem. The only difference is that DiagramUndoItem save the state of glyphs instance of GraphMemento. Undo Process The undo process begins by extracting the UndoItem data that resides on the top of the stack. According to the modification data create, delete, update, the application decides what command should be done in order to annul the previous action. Figure 14 shows the general scheme of undo process. hapus elem ent buat elem ent kopikan s tate ke dalam elem en createditem 0 deleteditem 0 m odifieditem 0 Figure 17 Undo Process: State Diagram MUE: Multi User UML Editor – Suhadi Lili, Sutarsa, Siti Rochhimah ISSN 1858-1633 2005 ICTS 45

2.7. Client Views Synchronization

To maintain the synchronization view among the clients that connected to the server over the same model, the server need to notify its clients of any modification that takes place. The mechanism used is push. Basically, the relation between server and client is similar to Model and Diagram Controller. But, server and clients reside in separate sites. Therefore, we use .NET Remoting [1][5] to enable the synchronization between server and clients. It begins with client that registered its interface methods to server by delegating them. The server sees the clients as the delegated method. When the server needs to notify a client, it triggers the delegate method of the client. And then the delegated method functions as server notification for the client.


In the implementation phase, we use C under .NET Platform 1.1 [1]. We deploy the system in 7 projects, where two of them are the client application and server application. The server is deployed as a console application, while the client application is deployed as a GUI-based application. The rest of the projects are built as shared libraries .dll to support the server and client applications.


For the testing phase, we have planned a number of testing scenarios. These scenarios are targeted to verify the system integration and based on the use cases that we have proposed. Parts of the tests involved a number of users working together on a same model and exercising the modification commands. The results show that the system functionalities meet its specification. But it fails to show a significant performance in the sense of execution and responds time.