The Case of Syria

12 Touareg Movement in north of Mali, causing open instability and tension as well as geopolitical chaos. 17 With regards to Yemen, initially the demonstration ran peacefully, without any crackdown. However the situation did not last long, with the authorities becoming impatient and using violence to disperse demonstration that caused disintegration within the military and defection of some its leaders; later they joined the rebels. After following a series of government massacres against the revolutionary forces, the Saudi backed US, forced President Ali Abdullah Saleh to step down and ceded his office to vice president Abdu Mansour Hadi. Since then Hadi’s government also became an ally of the Saudis since Hadi’s foreign policy was similar to the former president Saleh. 18

4. The Arab Uprising Implication : Geostrategy Configuration

The Arab Spring has changed the Middle east region on the levels of ideology, sect and power politic. After three years euphoria declined, the new political order in the Middle East is marked by rebalancing power within each state at national level, changing allies at regional level as well as geostrategic configuration. As the upheavals continue grow in number, especially in strategic countries such as Syria and Bahrain, they will continue to have a large effect on regional politics as well as a great power interest.

4.1 The Case of Syria

What actually happens in Syria is the proxy war of world powers US and Rusia and regional powers Turkey, Iran and Saudi Arabia; duplicating the Iraq and Afghan scenario. When the reputation of United Stated tarnished after the failures in Afghanistan and Iraq, the Syrian conflict is lucrative gate for Russian regain the dominance. In fact, Syria was the locus of the Soviet Union in the Middle East also the home of Rusian naval base which placed in the Syrian harbor of Tartous. Meanwhile for the US, the region is still important to maintenance the security of Israel, although might be shifted of its strategy related energy source. 19 In context of regional politic, Iran initially welcomed the Arab Awakening in the hope that they would be more anti-western and pro-Islamist that encourage an emergence new ally for Iran. However, by the passage time, the revolt was even more away than expected. Iran has realized of the current development, especially Syria conflict has let out Hamas of their ally and back into its religious Sunni fold; “ Hamas Leader Khaled 13 Mishaal abandon longtime base in Damascus by January 2012”. 20 Therefore, there is no option for Iran except to fully support Assa d’s regime. Furthermore Assad’s regime is 33 years ally of Iran due to some reasons; channel for military and financial support to Hezbollah also resistance fronts against Israel. Syrian crisis and domestic political development are challenge for Iran to be the natural Shia leader on the region through strengthening the Alawite Nusairi who hold strong power in Syria right now. On the other hand, in order to stem Iran-Shia political leverage; accordingly, Saudi together with Qatar and Turkey as Sunni allies, support to the Syrian opposition in the form of financial, weapon and military training. 21 Moreover, Turkey also has expressed interest in Syria due to Kurds which live in many parts of Syria, heavily concentrated in the northeast province of Hasakah. These tribes are better organized than many ethnic or sectarian groups in Syria. They have 12 Kurdish political parties, one of the most important is Democratic Union Party PYD which has close links with the Kurdistan Worker Party PKK- the terrorist organization in Turkey. 22

4.2 The Case of Bahrain