Background of the Problem


C. Limitation of the Problems

Based on the background and the identification of the problems above, the broad problem areas have to be limited in order to have a distinctive focus. The research is focused on developing picture series as media for teaching English listening skill to the fifth grade students of SD IT Insan Cendekia.

D. Formulation of the Problem

The problem is stated : “How can picture series be developed as media for teaching listening skill through storytelling to the fifth grade students of SD IT Insan Cendekia ?”

E. Objective of the Research

According to the formulation of the problem, the objective of this research is to develop picture series for teaching listening skill through storytelling to the fifth grade students of SD IT Insan Cendekia.

F. Specification of the Developed Product

The aim of this research is to develop educational products which can be used for teaching English to the fifth grade students. Those consist of two picture series, a teacher‟s guide, and a workbook. First, the picture series are the main products of the research. There are two sets of picture series which illustrate two different stories. The first story is entitled The Gingerbread Man. The set consists of two exercise pages of and 12 5 pages of colourful illustrations. The second story is The Little Indian Boy with 11 pages of illustrations. Those two stories teach about instructions. The second one is the teacher‟s guide. It contains teachers‟ practical instructions on how to use the picture series and how to conduct the teaching and learning activities. It is written using Microsoft Office 2007 program and printed on A4 papers. The last is the workbook which is used to a ssess students‟ understanding of the stories. It contains two units. There are different types of assignment to provide challenging and interesting listening activities. The book can be multiplied as students‟ worksheet.

G. Significances of the Research

The result of this research is expected to give some benefits for the students, the teachers, the researcher, media developers, English course writers, and book publishers. 1. For the children The result of the research is expected to help children in learning English listening skills. It also helps them to be more focused on the lesson so they can improve their listening ability 2. For the teachers of children The result is assumed to enrich teachers‟ knowledge of developing the appropriate media in teaching listening to children. Besides that, it will inspire the 6 teacher to develop appropriate and interesting media for teaching English to children. 3. For other researchers The research is expected to be a reference for other researchers in conducting another research of relevant topics. 4. For English course writers and media developers The product of the research is assumed to encourage English course writers and media developers to make effective, good, and appropriate books and media books for teaching listening to children. 5. For Book Publishers The research result is expected to show the book publishers in Indonesia that books for children have potential markets for educational institutions.

H. Assumptions and Limitation in The Product Development

The products are assumed to be the appropriate media for teaching English listening skills to the fifth grade of elementary schools. The picture series will make the teaching and learning activity fun and interesting so the students will be more motivated to learn English. The illustrations also help the students to understand the story better and make them more focused on the story line. In addition, the teachers have no difficulties in delivering the material. The picture series are alternative media for teaching listening. The teachers do not need to do a complicated preparation in teaching listening so the teaching and learning process takes time efficiently.