Tujuan Pembelajaran. Materi Pembelajaran.

RENCANA PELAKSANAAN PEMBELAJARAN RPP Madrasah : MTs. Muhammadiyah Batang Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris KelasSemester : VIII Delapan 1 Standar Kompetensi : 4. Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks lisan fungsional dan monolog pendek sederhana yang berbentuk descriptive dan recount untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan sekitar Kompetensi Dasar : 4.2. Mengungkapkan makna dalam monolog pendek sederhana dengan menggunakan ragam bahasa lisan secara akurat, lancar, dan berterima untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan sekitar dalam teks berbentuk descriptive dan recount Indikator : - Bertanya dan menjawab berbagai informasi secara lisan dalam teks pendek berbentuk recount - Melakukan monolog pendek dalam bentuk recount. Jenis Teks : Monolog Tema : Travelling Aspek Skill : Berbicara Alokasi Waktu : 2 x 40 menit

1. Tujuan Pembelajaran.

Pada akhir pembelajaran siswa dapat : a. Menanyakan berbagai informasi secara lisan dalam teks pendek berbentuk recount. b.Menjawab pertanyaan tentang berbagai informasi secara lisan dalam teks berbentuk recount. c. Melakukan monolog pendek dalam bentuk recount.

2. Materi Pembelajaran.

a. Teks pendek berbentuk recount - Informasi faktual - Informasi rinci - Gagasan pendukung dalam teks pendek b. Recount Social function : to retell events for the purpose of informing or entertaining. c. Genericschematic structure 1. Orientation: provides the setting and introduces participants 2. Series of events: tell what happen, in what sequence 3. Re-orientation: optional – closure of events d. Significant Lexicogrammatical Features - Focus on specific participants - Use of Material Processes - Circumstances and place - Use of Past tense - Focus on temporal sequence Regular verbs Irregular verbs visit - visited like - liked enjoy - enjoyed go - went is - was see - saw am - was leave - left are - were - Listen the text recount and answer the questions orally. 1. When did the writer and his friends visit Borobudur Temple 2. How did they go there ? 3. What did they do at the Borobudur Temple ? 4. Where did they buy souvenir ? Contoh : Text procedure Struktur generic Borobudur Temple Ciri – ciri Leksiko gramatika Orientation Last holiday my friends and I visitied Borobudur Temple . It is the biggest temple in the world. We went there by private car . Focus on specific participant in Bold Event 1 There , we saw the wonderful Borobudur Temple . Then we had a chat with a foreign tourist to practice our English. Use of material process in italic Event 2 After taking a picture with the foreign tourists, we walked around the Borobudur Temple’s yard to buy some souvenir. Circumtances of time and place underlined Re-orientation Although we were wery tired we felt very happy. It was the most unforgetable experience we have ever had Focus on temporal sequence Then , after 3. Metode Pembelajaran Teknik : Three-phase technique

4. Langkah - langkah Kegiatan.