Type of Research Data and Source of Data

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A. Type of Research

This research is a qualitative research which employed a descriptive method. Bodgan and Taylor in Moleong 2001: 3 define qualitative research as a research that presents descriptive data in the form of written or oral words of people and behavior which can be observed. According to Dornyei 2007: 154, qualitative research is ‘uniquely capable of documenting and analyzing the situated, contextual influences on language acquisition and use, as well as the subtle variations in learner and teacher identities that emerge during the language learning teaching process.’ Qualitative research involves data collection procedures that result primarily in open- ended, non-numerical data which is then analyzed primarily by non-statistical methods Dornyei, 2007: 24. In short, the experts agree that qualitative research has something to do with descriptive data consisting of written form, oral words and observed behavior which is analyzed with non-statistical methods. Meanwhile, this research used a descriptive method. The objective was to describe phenomenon from the data analysis in which a research conclusion will be drawn. Surakhmad 1994: 139 states that descriptive method is a kind of research commit to user 62 method using technique of searching, collecting, classifying, analyzing the data, interpreting them and finally drawing a conclusion. By using a descriptive method, the researcher tried to describe the facts concerning the object of the research, namely non-referential vocative expressions. Therefore, the researcher collected the data, analyzed and interpreted them and drew a conclusion about the types of vocative expressions and the reasons why the characters in the film “Bring It On” employ a certain type of vocative expressions.

B. Data and Source of Data

Source of data refers to the subject from which the data are obtained Arikunto, 1985. The data themselves may appear in the form of discourses, sentences, clauses, phrases or words Subroto, 1992: 7. Lofland 1984 in Moleong 2007: 157 states that the data source in qualitative research consists of words and behaviors, while other data such as documents are included as additional data. In other words, in qualitative research the data contained in the source of data should consist of words and behavior which can be observed. The data in this research were the dialogues spoken by the characters which supported the occurrence of non-referential vocative expressions based on Kubo’s speech act theoretic analysis of vocatives. commit to user 63 Meanwhile, the data sources of this research were a film entitled “Bring It On” and its script found in internet. There were some reasons why the researcher took the film “Bring It On” as data source. Firstly, the film was directed by Peyton Reed, a comedy specialized director. Peyton’s other works were Down with Love, The Break-Up, Yes man, and The Love Bug of which genres were all comedy. In 2001, the film won Audience Award in Zlín International Film Festival for Children and Youth for the best feature film www.imdb.com. Secondly, the film is interesting to watch. As cited in www.imdb.comtitlett0204946comment, most audiences of film “Bring It On” enjoyed the film. They said that the films brisk pacing was perfectly suited to its theme. They were pleased since the script writing was smart, sharp, consistently and authentically funny. In addition, they liked Bring It On for it did not have-a lot of clichéd boy-girl relationship stuff, andor gratuitous sexnudity. Finally, different types of non-referential vocative expressions were found in the film.

C. Sample and Sampling Technique