Understanding of Cooperative Learning Type Student Teams

results showed an increase in each learning activity indicators from the first cycle to the second cycle. Reading the subject matter increased from 77.78 into 94.44, a discussion with members of the group in solving a given problem increased from 61.11 into 94.44, ask the teacher or friends increased from 77.78 into 94.44, or respond to the opinion expressed increased from 72.22 into 88.89, helping fellow members of the group in understanding the subject matter increased from 77.78 into 88.89, recorded or summarizes the subject matter increased from 77.78 into 88.89, working on cases or tasks assigned to work together increase from 77.78 into 94.44. The similarities the research above with the research ers’ study lies in the learning model and the type of research, and the difference is going on the term of time, research setting, and subject of the research. 3. Research conducted by Juwita Giri Mukti 2014, entitled “The Implementation of Cooperative Learning Type Student Teams Achievement Division STAD Using Snakes and Ladders Games to Improve Students ’ Learning Motivation and Activities of grade X AK 2 at SMKN 1 Bantul Academic Year of 2013 2014”. The result showed an increase of motivation and learning activities. T he score of students’ learning motivation improved from 76,14 on the cycle 1 into 90,48 on the cycle 2 or improved by 14,34. From questionnaire result, the score of students’ learning motivation improved from 74,80 on cycle 1 into 83,06 on cycle 2 or improved by 8,26. Individually, students’ learning motivation score obtained from observation sheet is 65,62 on the cycle 1 into 93,75 on the cycle 2 or improved by 28,13. Meanwhile, based on questionnaire is 65,62 on the cycle 1 into 90,62 on the cycle 2 or improved by 25. And the score of students’ learning activities improved from 76,13 on the cycle 1 into 89,84 on the cycle 2 or improved by 13,71. From questionnaire result, the score of students’ learning activities improved from 75,78 on cycle 1 into 82,03 on cycle 2 or improved by 6,25. Individually, students’ learning activities score obtained from observation sheet is 68,75 on the cycle 1 into 90,62 on cycle 2 or improved by 21,87. Meanwhile, based on questionnaire sheet is 71,87 on the cycle 1 into 93,75 on the cycle 2 or improved by 21,88. The similarities the research above with the research ers’ study lies in the learning model and the type of research, and the difference is going on the term of time, research setting, and subject of the research.

C. Conceptual Framework

Based on the background problem that the students ’ motivation and learning activities of class XI AK 2 SMK N 1 Klaten are relatively low. It happens because the teacher less in innovation in term of using learning method. The main thing to do is make an innovation on using learning methods. Based on the situation, teacher as facilitator and motivator has to use the best method on teaching. Teacher has to make learning situation which are interesting for students, thus students enjoy the learning by the implementation of variety learning method that are student centered. Teacher should be able to use learning method which can encourage the students to be more actively participate in following the learning process. One of the method that can be applied is cooperative learning type STAD. STAD is one of learning method that emphasize on the importance of activities and interaction among the students to motivate and help each other in undertanding the material in order to achieve the learning objectives. The picture below is the conceptual framework of this research: Figure 1. Research Framework Scheme Before the implementation of cooperative learning type Student Teams Achievement Divisions STAD Students’ learning motivation in class XI AK 2 SMK N 1 Klaten are still low Implementation of cooperative learning type Student Teams Achievement Divisions STAD After the implementation of cooperative learning type Student Teams Achievement Divisions STAD Students’ learning activities in class XI AK 2 SMK N 1 Klaten are still low Students’ learning motivation in class XI AK 2 SMK N 1 Klaten increased Students’ learning activities in class XI AK 2 SMK N 1 Klaten increased

D. Hypothesis

Based on the description above, could be proposed hypothesis of this research, these are: 1. The implementation of cooperative learning type Students Teams- Achievement Divisions STAD can improve the students ’ learning motivation in accounting learning of class XI AK 2 SMK N 1 Klaten Academic Year 2014 2015. 2. The implementation of cooperative learning type Students Teams- Achievement Divisions STAD can improve the students ’ learning activities in accounting learning of class XI AK 2 SMK N 1 Klaten Academic Year 2014 2015.