PT Bank OCBC NISP Tbk OCBC lanjutan PT

Indonesian language. PT SOECHI LINES TBK DAN ENTITAS ANAK CATATAN ATAS LAPORAN KEUANGAN KONSOLIDASIAN Tahun yang Berakhir pada Tanggal-tanggal 31 Desember 2015 dan 2014 Disajikan Dalam Dolar AS, kecuali Dinyatakan Lain PT SOECHI LINES TBK AND SUBSIDIARIES NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Years Ended December 31, 2015 and 2014 Expressed in US Dollar, unless Otherwise Stated 65 17. PERPAJAKAN lanjutan 17. TAXATION continued d. Pajak penghasilan pasal 15 Final lanjutan d. Income tax article 15 Final continued Perhitungan pajak penghasilan final sehubungan dengan pengoperasian kapal Entitas Anak adalah sebagai berikut: The calculation of the final income tax in connection with the operation of the Subsidiaries is as follows: 2015 2014 Total pendapatan neto Total net revenues per menurut laporan laba rugi consolidated statements of komprehensif konsolidasian 141.833.461 127.477.386 comprehensive income Eliminasi dan penyesuaian 13.987.666 8.705.000 Elimination and adjustments Pendapatan yang tidak Revenues not subjected dikenakan pajak final: to final tax of: Perusahaan 662.063 508.000 the Company Entitas Anak 36.776.029 34.427.267 Subsidiaries Pendapatan dari sewa kapal Revenues from vessel rental dan jasa pengangkutan 118.383.035 101.247.119 and freight services PPh pasal 15 final Income tax article 15 final sebesar 1,2 1.420.597 1.214.966 at 1.2 PPh pasal 15 final yang Income tax article 15 final dipotong pada which already withheld in tahun berjalan 1.129.610 940.982 current year Utang pajak penghasilan pasal 15 final 290.987 273.984 Income tax article 15 final e. Pajak Kini e. Current Tax Rekonsiliasi antara laba sebelum beban pajak penghasilan menurut laporan laba rugi dan penghasilan komprehensif lain konsolidasian dengan taksiran laba kena pajak adalah sebagai berikut: The reconciliation between income before income tax expense as shown in the consolidated statements of profit or loss and other comprehensive income and estimated taxable income is as follows: 2015 2014 Laba sebelum manfaat beban Income before income tax benefit pajak penghasilan menurut expense per consolidated laporan laba rugi dan penghasilan statements of profit or loss and komprehensif lain konsolidasian 42.402.351 35.208.510 other comprehensive income Laba sebelum manfaat beban Income before income pajak penghasilan tax benefit expense of Entitas Anak 46.759.927 36.238.105 Subsidiaries Eliminasi dan penyesuaian 4.141.165 530.440 Elimination and adjustments Laba rugi sebelum manfaat Income loss before income beban pajak penghasilan tax benefit expense Perusahaan 216.411 499.155 of the Company Beda temporer: Temporary differences: Imbalan kerja 24.990 11.663 Employees’ benefit Beda tetap: Permanent differences: Pendapatan bunga 8.949 25.812 Interest income Rugi selisih kurs 205.956 578.702 Loss on foreign exchange Lain-lain 15.161 10.498 Others Beda tetap - neto 212.168 563.388 Permanent differences - net Taksiran laba kena pajak Estimated taxable income Perusahaan 20.747 75.896 of the Company