Revision on the Design of the Materials

76 • To revise the questions in the students’ reflection part at the end of each unit and make it into various questions. • To revise the contents of the materials and provide it with various contexts to the new communication demands. • To revise the teacher’s manual book so that it has the same format or layout as the student’s listening book. • To revise the recording. The writer realized that the comments and suggestions given were very useful for the design of the materials. Hence, the suggestions of the participants had been taken into consideration in revising the design of the materials to be better.

G. Revision on the Design of the Materials

The design of the materials would be revised to improve the materials and to produce better materials. After having some revisions, the design of the materials would be presented and ready to be applied in the school. The revisions themselves were based on the participants’ suggestions and criticism. The revisions made are stated as follows: • The writer revised some of the indicators. • The writer revised the time allocation from 90 2x45 minutes to 135 3x45 minutes for each unit. • The writer revised some parts of the design of the materials in order to make it more contextual to the new communication demands. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 77 • The writer would vary the questions in the students’ reflection part in each unit. • The writer provided the contextual pictures related to each unit. • The writer edited the font size in some part of the design of the materials to be more appropriate. • The writer revised the format or the layout in the teacher’s manual book in order to make it in the same format or layout as the student’s book. • The writer edited the recording in order to make it clearer. The final version of the design of the materials was presented after making the revisions and improvements based on the participants’ suggestions and comments. The final version of the design of the materials is put in Appendix C. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 78


This chapter presents the conclusions of the study and the recommendation. The conclusions part discusses the problem stated in the problem formulation and concludes all the findings in the study. The recommendation part presents the suggestions for the English teachers of SMA Dominikus Wonosari and for the other researchers.

A. Conclusions

Since this study is aimed to design the English listening instructional materials using Task-Based Instructions for the first semester of the tenth grade students of SMA Dominikus Wonosari, there was a problem stated in the problem formulation. The problem formulation was: What does the design of the English instructional listening materials using Task-Based Instructions for the first semester of the tenth grade students of SMA Dominikus Wonosari look like? The design of the materials was developed based on the students’ characteristics gained in the need analysis, also based on the theories related to this study. The design of the materials was developed based on one competency standard and two basic competences from those of School-based Curriculum. The topics of the design of the materials were selected from the basic competences. There were four topics for four units which each of them required 3x45 minutes. The topics selected were 1 Greeting, Introducing, and Leave PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI