Relevant Studies Conceptual Framework

Aspect Component Sub-components coherence 13. Coherence Presentation appropriateness a. Presentation technique 14. Organisation 15. Composition of each unit b. Instructional presentation 16. Student-centered 17. Development of critical thinking 18. Autonomous learning 19. Self-reflection and assessment c. Completeness of the presentation 20. Opening section 21. Main section 22. Closing section Layout appropriateness a. Layout 23. Consistency 24. Harmony 25. Completeness b. Typography 26. Font types 27. Font size 28. Mistyping c. Ilustration 29. Interesting 30. Adding clarity

B. Relevant Studies

Considering the results of previous researches is also a good way to find out the contents in developing appropriate materials that meet students„ needs . There are some researchers who conducted similar research in the area of Research Development. A research by Fahmi Dwi Prasetyo 2013 which is titled Developing Reading-Writing Learning Materials for The Students of Year X of Pharmacy Study Program at SMK SMF “INDONESIA” Yogyakarta found that what the students wanted after learning English is that they will be able to master vocabulary and grammar. He also found that the students needed pharmacy related topics in the materials to support their study. Another study was conducted by Satwika Nindya Kirana 2014. She developed English learning materials for grade X students of Visual Communication Design Study Programme. She found that the students believed that they need to be in an intermediate level in order to support their job as students, and they need to be in advance level in order to support their later education and job. Both of the researches above have the same method with this research. The difference of both researches and this study will be on the skills and the field of study. The first research focuses on reading-writing materials while this study will cover all four skills. The second research focuses on Visual Communication Design Study Programme while this study will focus on Pharmacy Study Programme. Thus, the result of this research will be different from the two researches mentioned. The materials developed will also be different since the needs of the students will be different. Both studies also proved that the topics of the materials which are related to the study programme are important things to support learning process, especially at Vocational High Schools.

C. Conceptual Framework

SMK SMF “INDONESIA” Yogyakarta is one of vocational high schools in Indonesia that uses Curriculum 2006 or the School-Based Curriculum. As a vocational high school, it has a problem related to the English learning materials which are not specific to the students’ study programme, the Pharmacy Study Programme. The books used by the English teachers are designed for vocational high schools, but the book itself is still focusing in General English, not the one that is specific to a study programme. Since the students of SMK SMF “INDONESIA Yogyakarta are studying pharmacy, specific English learning materials need to be developed. By developing English learning materials that are specific for grade eleven students of Pharmacy Study Programme based on the learners’ needs and Curriculum 2006, it is expected that the materials will help both the teachers and students in the teaching and learning process and help the students improve their English competence to prepare themselves in the future work field of Pharmacy. English for vocational high schools is categorized as English for Specific Purposes ESP since it focuses on a specific field. ESP is implemented in many kinds of area, and it deals with Content-Based Instruction CBI. CBI is considered to be suitable in developing ESP materials. The materials focus on how to use the language in the real life based on certain situation. Hence, using the learning materials with specific contents will make it easier in the teaching and learning process. The first step to be conducted is the needs analysis with the purpose to find out the target needs and learning needs of the students. The needs analysis will be done by giving questionnaires to the students. The results of the needs analysis will be used to determine the aims, objectives, input, tasks, and methods of assessment in the form of a course grid. The learning materials in this research will focus on the field of pharmacy. The researcher will develop three units as a part of a course book and it will be built by providing topics, words, or situations related to pharmacy. The materials will be developed by employing Nunan’s model of unit development and it will consist of tasks organized using Nunan’s principle 2004. The tasks consist of six components; goal, input, procedures, teacher roles, learner roles, and setting. After the materials are developed, there will be a materials evaluation by a materials development expert. In this research, the expert of materials development will be asked to give a judgement including the appropriateness of the content, the language, the presentation, and the layout of the materials. These aspects of material evaluation are based on the standard of materials evaluation Instrumen Penilaian Buku Bahasa Inggris Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan by BSNP Year 2011. By conducting this expert judgement process, it will be known whether or not the learning materials are appropriate to be provided to the learners. 34


A. Type of Research

This type of research is categorized as Research and Development RD since it focuses on developing English learning materials for eleventh grade students of Pharmacy Study Programme. Gall, Gall, and Borg 2003: 569 stated that the results of the RD research are used to design new products and procedures or develop the product that had already been made which later will be field-tested, evaluated, and refined until they are suitable for the standards or ready to be published.

B. Research Setting

The research was done in SMK SMF “INDONESIA” Yogyakarta which is located in Jalan Veteran, Gg. Jambu, Kebrokan, Pandeyan, Umbulharjo, Yogyakarta. It only has one study programme, Pharmacy Study Programme. There are five classes for the third grade, and seven classes for each eleventh and tenth grade. The research was done in this school on August 2016.

C. Subjects of the Research

The subjects of this research are 36 students of grade XI-E of Pharmacy Study Programme at SMK SMF “INDONESIA” Yogyakarta, the English teacher of eleventh graders, and a materials development expert from English Education Study Programme of State University of Yogyakarta.