Background of the Research



This chapter describes the background of the research, identification of the problems, delimitation of the problems, formulation of the problems, objectives of the research, and significances of the research.

A. Background of the Research

In Indonesia, high schools are divided into two types, senior high schools and vocational high schools. These two types of school are similar in some aspects but have some particular differences. A senior high school is the type of high school that prepares its students to continue to a higher level of education such as college or university, meanwhile a vocational high school focuses to prepare its students to be able to face the workfield. Thus, the particular differences between a senior high school and a vocational high school are the learning goals and needs. The Indonesian government nowadays supports the development of vocational high schools in Indonesia because they help the country in term of decreasing the level of unemployment in the country itself. There are many vocational high schools in Indonesia with numerous types of vocational programmes such as Technology and Engineering; Information, Communication and Technology; Health; Agribusiness and Agricultural- technology; Fisheries and Nautical; Business and Management; Tourism; Arts and Crafts; and Performing Arts. According to BSNP 2006, English in vocational high schools is taught to make the students proficient in both written and spoken language to help them develop their ability in the vocational programme that they choose. To be able to achieve this objective, vocational high schools need to focus on the internal factors, such as the students’ willingness to learn English and external factors, such as English teachers, teaching methods, documents and media, and materials. Materials are one important factor to help the students in learning English. Materials can help both the teachers and the students in the teaching and learning process. They help the teachers to deliver the knowledge and competence or to adjust the teaching methods. They also help the students to get the knowledge and accompany them to reach their learning goals and needs. Unfortunately, the materials of English provided by the government for vocational high schools are very general, which means that they do not provide suitable knowledge and competence that can fulfill the vocational programme’s needs. Besides, most vocational high schools do not pay attention to this issue; they still utilize the general materials to teach their students. SMK SMF “INDONESIA” Yogyakarta is one of the vocational high schools in Yogyakarta. There is only one study programme available in this school, Pharmacy Study Programme. The students of Pharmacy Study Programme in this school are obliged to learn English as the requirement to be successful in passing the national final examination, not to prepare them in facing the workfield of pharmacy in their future. Moreover, their future job will deal with lots of things that are related to English. Hence, the researcher thought that it is necessary to conduct a study and develop the English learning materials for the students of Pharmacy Study Programme.

B. Identification of the Problems