Identification of the Problems

will deal with lots of things that are related to English. Hence, the researcher thought that it is necessary to conduct a study and develop the English learning materials for the students of Pharmacy Study Programme.

B. Identification of the Problems

Based on the observation conducted by the researcher, there were two main problems related to English teaching and learning on the students of SMK SMF “INDONESIA” Yogyakarta. The researcher got the information by doing observation and interview on both the English teachers and the students. Those two problems are: students and materials. The first problem is the students. Based on the observation and interview on the English teachers, the students are not motivated in learning English. The researcher also found that there is a significant decrease on the students’ ability in English language, especially on the tenth and eleventh graders. The English teacher of eleventh graders said that the students’ competence in English is decreasing yearly. He stated that the students are lack of interest in learning English because they only focus on the vocational subjects, such as Pharmacology, Pharmacognosy, Pharmaceutical Biology, or Pharmaceutical Chemistry. Those subjects are the focus of their study programme. He also said that during the teaching and learning process, most of the students do not pay attention and are busy doing something else. The teacher found that the mean score of the students’ examination was still under the KKM that is 80. Many students got the score below 80. It was because the students found some difficulties in understanding the subject since they did not pay attention to the teacher when the teacher explained the materials. They would pay attention to the teacher if the teacher asked them to read the text or answer the question given by the teacher. The researcher also interviewed some students from the tenth to eleventh graders. One of the students said that most of her friends have small interest in learning English. She said that the English subject is a boring and difficult subject, although she stated that English is also important for their future job as a Pharmacist Assisstant Pharmacy Technician. Thus, the students do not consider English as an important subject. The second problem is the materials. The researcher found that the English teachers do not use English textbook that specifically designed for Pharmacy Study Programme of Vocational High Schools. This problem happened because the teachers found difficulties in finding the appropriate materials of Pharmacy English that will be suitable for the students. Moreover, the students are only prepared to face the National Examination which deals with general English. The teachers use the book titled “Get Along with English”. The book is designed for vocational high schools but the materials found are still general English and mostly are not related to Pharmacy Study Programme. Hence, the students are struggling to learn English in their school since the materials are not relevant to their field. The researcher also asked the teacher whether or not the students enjoy the English class more if they were given interesting mediaaid such as videos or pictures. He answered that the students are mostly bored if the materials were given in pieces of paper or slides, just like what he had previously. The students are interested when the teachers give them materials through pictures or videos.

C. Delimitation of the Problems