Dreamer The Characteristics of Frank McCourt

attack Frank. His weak body could not defense every punch of Laman Griffin. And it made him run away fro m Laman’s house and never willing to come back. He left the house and follow the streets. In his walk, he was instead dreaming: “I dream of how Ill get back at Laman someday. Ill go to America and see Joe Louis. Ill tell him my troubles and hell understand because he comes from a poor family. Hell show me how to build up my muscles, how to hold my hands and use my feet. Hell show me how to dig my chin into my shoulder the way he does and how to let go with a right uppercut that will send Laman flying. Ill drag Laman to the graveyard at Mungret where his family and Mams family are buried and Ill cover him with earth all the way to his chin so that he wont be able to move and hell beg for his life and Ill say, End of the road, Laman, youre going to meet your Maker, and hell beg and beg while I trickle dirt on his face till its covered completely and hes gasping and asking God for forgiveness for not giving me the bike and punching me all over the house” McCourt, 1996: 295 The quotation above shows that Frank is clearly a dreamer. He dreams of having the nice body and the strenght to his body by going to America and meet American people, Joe Louis. So that he can fight Laman and win the fighting because the strong body he has from Joe Louis. He dreams that he can make Laman take a knee in front of him and beg him to sorry. Implicitely, he also dreams of a dignity that make him being regarded by other people, in this case, Laman Griffin. It can be seen from the words “hell beg and beg”. The begging that Laman does can means a regarding to Frank and give a dignity to himself.

2. Envious

The appearance of Frank is not attractive. It can be seen since Frank was a child. It can be seen when his aunts, Delia and Philomena was visiting his house to see the condition of his mother after losing her daughter, Margaret. It was Frank that welcome them, but they only asked his name and his age then passed him. Until they meet Malachy and smile. “Malachy runs smiling to the big women. When he smiles you can see how white and straight and pretty his teeth are and you can see the shiny blue of his eyes, the pink of his cheeks. All that makes the big women smile and I wonder why they didn’t smile when they talked to me.” McCourt, 2996: 43 From the quotation above, Frank seems jealous to his brother’s appearance. He wonders why people who meet him are never interested in him like Malachy does. He realizes that he is not like his brother, Malachy, whose appearance is like an American whom Frank always describe by the white and pretty teeth McCourt, 1996: 138. Frank who really admire to everything about America is getting jealous of Malachy who physically has American’s characteristic with his white and pretty teeth and always seems charming and bring the smile to everyone whenever he goes. Frank does not only get jealous of the fortune Malachy has in his appearance, he also get jealous of the fortune of his neighbour that get the better life than his. At the time when there was a war in England, English agents were recruiting Irishmen to work in their munition factories and the pay was good. P eople’s around Frank mostly had their fathers go to England and started working there. Frank could see the significant changes in their lifes. “The new rich people go home after Mass on Sundays all airs and stuff themselves with meat and potatoes, sweets and cakes galore and they think nothing of drinking their tea from delicate little cups which stands in saucer to catch the tea that overflows and when they lift the cups they stick out their little fingers to show how refine they are.[...] They have electricity now so they can see things they never saw before ... [...] at dinnertime and teatime the new rich mothers stand at their doors and call to their children, Mikey, Kathleen, Paddy, come in for yeer dinner. Come in for the lovely leg o’lamb and gorgeous green peas and the floury white potatoes” McCourt, 1996: 217 Frank sees his neighbour whose father work in England can have electricity and the great foods in their house such as meat, potatoes, sweets, and cakes. They also act the way rich people act, by sticking out their little fingers when dringking a tea to show how refine they are. At the time like that, Frank’s family do not have anything to be proud, they just have tea and bread. It is because Frank’s father does not go to England but only sit by the fire in the kitchen. Seeing the changes of their neighbours, Frank said to his father: “I say to him, Why can’t you go to England, Dad, so we can have electricity and a wireless and Mam can stand at the door and tell the world what we’re having at dinnertime?” McCourt, 1996: 218 Frank suggests his father to go to England too like his neighbours do. It is because Frank also want to be like his neighbours that have electricity, great food and can show off his new wealthy to others. The statement above show that Frank is an envious person. Frank’s suggestion for his father shows that Frank is envious with the life of their neighbours can get from working in England.

3. Disobeying

Frank is also known as the disobeying person. It can be seen when he worked in Eason. Ltd that distribute English newspapers and The Irish Times , a Protestant paper. He had been warned by the manager, Mr.