People’s attitude Ireland as the Orient

Crosby who is the actor as the priest he sees a movie who will not kick him out. His experiences about those refusal shows the rude and discriminative behaviour of people in Ireland. Those behaviour has indicated the condition of people in a country that is uncivilized where civilized pepople must be a person who is polite, calm and act in reasonable way. Those uncivilized behaviour has finally addresses Ireland as the Orient where the people is uncivilized.

2. England as The Occident

a. Higher Class Country

In this novel, Frank often similizes the rich people in Ireland to the life of English people, it can be thorugh their habit, their appearance, and their accent. Everytime he meets or see the rich people, he always relate them to the English life. as the quotation below. “We work all day moving boxes and bags to the shed outside. Mam opens all the windows to air the house and let out the smell of the hair oil and the years of no air. She says its a relief to be able to see the floor again and now we can sit down and have a nice cup of tea in peace, ease and comfort, and wont it be lovely when the warm weather comes and we might be able to have a garden and sit outside with our tea the way the English do.”McCourt, 1996: 281 At the time Frank moved to his uncle’s house, Frank got excited to the nice house where there is garden in the backyard McCourt, 1996:279. He imagined how he can imitate the habit of English by enjoying the nice weather and having the tea in the lovely garden. Frank regarded those classy habits as the habit of English people. The other habit of rich people in Ireland can be seen through the way they talk. When Frank becomed a telegram boy, he met many kinds of people from the poor to the rich. “People in the big houses have English accents and they dont tip telegram boys. ”McCourt, 1996: 315 As Frank often meets rich people, he can recognize their habit. They mostly use Engish accent everytime they talks. The using of English accent becomes a trend in a circle of rich people. Those habits above has implies that English habit is a high class habit. The way Frank follows the habit of English people and the way Frank tell about English accent of the rich people in Ireland has indicated that English habit is the classy and modern habit for him. It represent England as the Occident that is characterized as the modern side.

b. Land of Opportunity

As English agent start recuiting Irish people to work in their munition factory, most people around Frank has themselves going to England. The family whose father in England are looking better than before, such as their appearance with their new clothes, the more delicious and nourishing food they have in dinner, and their home that is more brighter with electricity. Feeling envious seeing their life changes, Frank encouragely suggested his father to also go to England. “I say to him. Why can’t you go to England, Dad, so we can have electricity and a wireless and Mam can stand at the door and tell the world what we’re having at dinnertime?” McCourt, 1996: 218 Frank has suggested his father to go to England like other people because Frank wants to get the same changes like his neighbours get. Frank implies that by going to England can be the opportunity for them to have the more modern life by having the electricity and wireless. Frank and his family can also have a great dinner and show their dinner menu to his neighbours. England is a land of opportunity for Frank for getting the better life. England that provides jobs in their munitions factories and recruits the Irishmen shows that England is the independent country that is one of Occident characteristics They can build their economic field without depending to other country. They are even still role the economic of Ireland by provide jobs for them.

c. The Wealthy Country

England is not only known as the place where many job are available for Irish people. England is also known as the country where the people live in moderate circumstances. As Frank was nursed in hospital because of the disease he has, Frank always spent his time by reading books or magazines. “Seamus likes me to tell him what Im reading. He says that story about Mr. Ernest Bliss is a made-up story because no one in his right mind would have to go to a doctor over having too much money and not eating his egg though you never know. It might be like that in