Character and Characterization THE THEORITICAL DESCRIPTION

contradictory and being called “incalculability of life”. Such characters are said to be fully and well developed. In contrast, flat character is deemed incapable of surprising the reader because flat character only has some simple characteristics. Approaching a character is similar as how we approach a human. We need to observe their actions, to listen to what they say and how they say it, to notice how they relate to other characters and how other characters respond to them, especially to what they say about each other. Furthermore, to analyze a character, we can concern on the action, the speech or the physical detail of the character. To recognize characters in a fiction an author does many efforts to bring readers into the story and it will ease readers, later, to catch personalities of characters. This effort of author called characterization. Characterization is the means by which writers present and reveal character. 26 Characterization is the art and technique of representing fictional personages, depends upon action or plot as well as narration and point of view. 27 Characterization is also called as the character creation that is what the author does to bring a character to life, to provide the reader with a sense of that character’s personality. Authors can characterize or develop a character directly or indirectly. Characterization methods in the study of literature is described the method of disposition of the figures contained in a literary work. How to determine, in this case, the imajinatif- figures, and determine the nature or 26 Diyanni, Op.Cit., p. 55 27 Alison Booth, J. Paul Hunter, and Kelly J. Mays, The Norton Introduction to Literature New York: W.W Norton Company, 2006, p. 119 character figures is very different. 28 Minderop states that in presenting and determining the characteristics of the character, in general, the author uses two ways or methods in his works, namely the direct method telling and indirect methods showing. 29 Telling methods rely on the exposure of characteristic on exposition and commentary directly from the author. This direct method includes characterization through the use of names, characterization through appearance, and characterization by the author. Meanwhile the showing method shows the author puts himself outside the narration to provide an opportunity for characters to show their characterization through dialogue and action.

C. Theory of Orientalism by Edward W Said.

Orientalism is a theory relates to relationship between West and East. It started during latter part of eighteenth century and early years of the nineteenth when colonialization term was finally changed to be more vague and acceptable. This theory was invented by Edward W. Said. 30 In his book entitled Orientalism 1978. Said examines the vast tradition of Western “constructions” of the Orient. The tradition of Orientalism has been a 28 Minderop, Op. Cit., p. 2 29 Ibid,. p. 6 30 Edward Said is a literary and cultural theorist who was born in Jerusalem, Palestine in 1935. Said, who was known as an internationally reowned literary and cultural critic is Old Dominion Foundation Professor in the Humanities at Colombia University, where he has taught English since 1962. He was educated at Victoria College, Cairo, Mount Hermon School, Massachusetts, and a Princeton and Harvardn University. In literary world, he is greatly known as the master of a theory called Orientalism. „corporate institution’ for coming to terms with the Orient, for authorizing views about it and ruling over it. 31 Orientalism can be discussed and analyzed as the corporate institution for dealing with the Orient –dealing with it by making statement about it, authorizing views of it, describing it, by teaching it, settling it ruling over it: in short, Orientalism as a Western style for dominating, restructuring, and having authority over the Orient. 32 The success of modern Europe in the control of its colonies are not solely caused by physical force. In this connection, there are other forces which in some ways even more role, namely discourse. Orient which is the central of Said’s analysis is actually a production of Western discourse, a means of self-definition of Western culture as well as of justifying imperial domination of Oriental people. Thus, the group of Western intellectual develop science projects on the East nation called Orientalism. 33 With generates various aspects of the study of Eastern nation, then it can be known strength and weakness of the East, so that it can be easier to be mastered. The Orient geographically exists separately from the Western World, but the “Orient” does not merely refer to a geographical location. It also very profound political and cultural conotation. 34 This “Orient” has become the “other” or the “third world” or “the colonized” of the West. According to Schwab’s notion, “Oriental” identifies an amateur or professional enthusiam for everything Asiatic, which was wonderfully 31 M.A.R. Habib, A History of Literary Criticism London: Blackwell Publishing, 2008, p. 744 32 Edward W Said, Orientalism London: Penguin Books, 1991, p. 3 33 Nyoman Kutha Ratna, Teori, Metode, dan Teknik Penelitian Sastra. Yogyakarta: Pustaka Pelajar, 2007, p. 209 34 Wang Ning, Orientalism versus Occidentalism?, New Literary History. Accessed on 01.11 pm April 14th, 2015. http:www.jstor.orgaboutterms.html, p. 59 synonymous with the exotic, the mysterious, the profound, the seminal. 35 East is also likely to be seen as homogeni where the people are anonymous mass rather than an individual, their actions are determined by instinctive emotions lust, terror, amok, etc. rather than by conscious choice or decision. 36 Emotions and the reaction is always determined by racist considerations for example they are like this or that because they are Asian or black, or oriental rather than by aspects of the status or condition of the individual for example because maybe they are coincidentally a big brother, or uncle, or a collector of antique ceramics As the invaders, which itself had been preparing for specific purposes, then science, translations, and other studies it produces, including literature, not as a whole to contain the true objectivity, but rather occurs cultural biases. Description and analysis of the texts of oriental biased so that the West remains the West and the East will be further east. Knowledge of the East never be a genuine reason in due to the people who tell it are closely related and have a particular interest in colonialism. Therefore, their objectivity is objectivity according to their own ideas, which is thought of Western society. Said menyebutkan karya-karya kelompok orientalis sebagai teks-teks predatoris, yang secara perlahan-lahan akan mengisap kekuatan bangsa Timur. Orientalisme dengan demikian tidak terbatas sebagai pengetahuan, melainkan sebagai kekuasaan. Oleh karena itulah, disebutkan bahwa orientalisme bukan mitos melainkan mesin, dalam bentuk imperialism antropologis, yang digunakan untuk menghasilkan pernyataan-pernyataan yang berbeda mengenai dunia Timur. 37 35 Said, Op. Cit., p. 51 36 Peter Barry, Begining Theory: Pengantar Komprehensif Teori Sastra dan Budaya Yogyakarta: Jalasutra, 2010 p. 225 37 Ratna, Op. Cit., p. 209-210