The Civilized Country America as The Occident

lavatory. It shows that America has a well developed system of the way of life. They life is going neat and orderly where each of them has good facilities. The statements above can leads America as the Occident that has characterized as the civilized country that means a country has a well developed system of government, culture and way of life and that treats the people who live there fairly.

d. The People’s Attitude

Frank realizes that the aminess of Irish and American is really distinctive. It is firstly noticed by little Frank when he and his family firstly arrive in Ireland and meet the family from his parents. The first impression of their meeting implies the opposition between Irish and American. “My aunts are not like Mrs. Leibowitz and Minnie MacAdorey, they nod their heads but they don’t hug us or smile” McCourt, 1996: 49 When he arrived in Ireland and visited their grand parents in Belfast, Frank meets his father’s big family. His father introduced them to Frank, they are Emily, Nora, Maggie, and Vera. But the expression of them was not friendly. As the statement above, they just nod their heads to Frank but does not hug him, even for smiling to him. He compares his aunts, in Ireland and his neighbours, Mrs. Leibowitz and Minnie MacAdorey in America. Frank’s aunts who just nod their heads without any hug and smile to Frank represent how unfriendly Irish people when it is compared with Mrs Leibowitz and Minnie MacAdorey that represent how friendly the American people for Frank. The distinction between the Irish and American can be also seen through the attitude of the priest in both country. It can be seen when Fr ank’s mother is desperate about the news of his father in England brought out by neighbours that come home from England. He keeps drinking and he drinks away his rent. He winds up sleeping in parks when the landlords throws him out. Frank’s mother does not know what she can do. She have no money for feeding her sons because her husband never sends them money from England anymore. She starts to think about putting her four boys in an orphanage so that she can go to England for working and have money for get a better life. But, Frank does not agree with it. “No, no matter what she can’t bear the thought of putting us in the orphanage. That might be all right if you had the likes of Boys Town in America with a nice priest like Spencer Tracy but you could never trust the Christian Brothers out in Glin who get their exercise beating boys and starving the life out of them.”McCourt, 1996: 231 Frank does not refuse to be put in orphanage, but he refuse to be put in orphanage in Ireland. It is because they will be cared by Christian Brothers that like to beat the boys and let them die because of starving. In the statement above, Frank feels all right if he are put in orphanage in America. Because in America, there is an orphanage like „Boys Town’ 54 that he watchs in movies where Spencer Tracy plays his role as the pleasant priest. He believes that the priests in America are pleasant like 54 The organization was built by Father Edward J. Flanagan for receiving and caring the bad boys. It is ever filmed and stared by Spencer Tracy Spencer Tracy. They does not beat the boys and let them starving like Christian Brothers do. From those statements aboves, Frank has implies the image of America people that are pleasant and polite. It can be said that American people depicts the behaviour of civilized country where the civilized countries are not only seen through the condition of government, culture and life that is well-developed, but also can be seen through the attitude of the people in those country whose their behaviour are civilized by behaving politely, calm and in reasonable way. Seeing those statements above, American shows how civilized the people in there that Frank regards as the pleasant people.

e. The Liberal Country

The life in Ireland is not as free as in America. One of the reason is the piety that Ireland has. Ireland is known as the religous country that tightly apply their Catholic rule as the writer has explained in the previous pages about the birth control. Everything has ruled and limited in Ireland, including the freedom of speech. It can be seen when Frank is thinking about his father. Eventhough, his father often go home in the night with a drunk condition and wants their children to wake up and marching and promise to die for Ireland like the soldierin the midnight, he is also a good father. He tells the story in the morning with his children in his lap and always teach his children to be a good boy that always say the prayers before sleeping and obey their mother. Frank really sad over the bad thing