The People’s Attitude

Spencer Tracy. They does not beat the boys and let them starving like Christian Brothers do. From those statements aboves, Frank has implies the image of America people that are pleasant and polite. It can be said that American people depicts the behaviour of civilized country where the civilized countries are not only seen through the condition of government, culture and life that is well-developed, but also can be seen through the attitude of the people in those country whose their behaviour are civilized by behaving politely, calm and in reasonable way. Seeing those statements above, American shows how civilized the people in there that Frank regards as the pleasant people.

e. The Liberal Country

The life in Ireland is not as free as in America. One of the reason is the piety that Ireland has. Ireland is known as the religous country that tightly apply their Catholic rule as the writer has explained in the previous pages about the birth control. Everything has ruled and limited in Ireland, including the freedom of speech. It can be seen when Frank is thinking about his father. Eventhough, his father often go home in the night with a drunk condition and wants their children to wake up and marching and promise to die for Ireland like the soldierin the midnight, he is also a good father. He tells the story in the morning with his children in his lap and always teach his children to be a good boy that always say the prayers before sleeping and obey their mother. Frank really sad over the bad thing as a drunker but Frank thinks that he cannot back away from him because the one in the morning is his real father. Frank really wants to say „I love you’ to his father but he cannot do it. As Frank stated below: “if I were in America I could say, I love you, Dad, the way they do in the films, but you cant say that in Limerick for fear you might be laughed at. Youre allowed to say you love God and babies and horses that win but anything else is a softness in the head.McCourt, 1996: 210 Frank hardly say it to his father because it seem to be a strange thing in Ireland and he will be laughed at. He thinks that he wil only be able to say it if he is in America. From the Frank’s perceptions above, it can be seen that the freedom in Ireland is limited, even to expressed the ideas or emotions. the limitation is based on the piety of Ireland. Frank said that “you can say love God and babies and horse”, it means that the expression is only able to expressed if it is customary and general in society, in this context, is the religious society. But if the expression is seemly emotional, such as saying love to someone, it is the unusual thing in a piety country, and from what Frank said, “you will be laughed at”. As a result, they can not express their feeling as free as they want. The limitation to express the ideas and emotions has lead Ireland as the conservative country, especially when the limitation is determined according to the religion view where everything is always related to the religion law. Meanwhile, America, where everyone can freely say I love you, is regarded as the liberal country. They spread the meaning of love not only to the religious view but also to general view where people can say love not only to God but also to everyone. Through the view, action of Frank McCourt and phenomena that occur to him as the main character, we can define the differences of Ireland Orient which is always described by its negative sides, while England and America Occident which are always positive. Orientalism is a human production using West or Occident point of view to divide two different sides based on their power, culture, and history which West describes itself with more power and East or Orient is decsribed by the West as weaker side. It also creates more gaps between Orient and Occident by creating a fictional geography border.