The Uncivilized Country Ireland as the Orient

there for a few days. On one night, Frank got up and poked his father asking for a toilet. But his father instead ordered him to use the chamber pot placed under the bed. Frank felt astonished while he firstly sees the chamber pot. “I want to ask him what he’s talking about for even I’m bursting I feel strange peeing into a pot with roses and maidens cavorting, whatever they are. We had nothing like this in Classon Avenue where Mrs. Leibowits sang in the lavatory while we clutched ourse lves in the hall.” McCourt, 1996: 49 Frank feel strange about the chamber pot and even he really need to have a pee, he can not use the chamber pot at all. Frank is unfamiliar to that habit. In the statement above, Frank compares this habit with the life in Classon Avenue, Brooklyn, America. He says in the quotation above that in America, there is nothing like this where people using the chambor pot for the toilet. In contrast, everyone in America has a proper live where people can have toilets and life happily like Mrs. Leibowitz who is singing in toilet. All Frank experiences above show that Ireland is not a good country for living in due to its condition that harm their healthy because of how the life in Ireland that is seemly not proper for health. Thus, Ireland can be said as the uncivilized country which is the characteristics that can depict Ireland as the Orient.

d. The Conservative Country

As Frank said in the early pages about the miserable Irish Catholic childhood McCourt, 1996:11, it is clearly that Frank lives in the religious country. This image shows that Ireland applies its religion rule tightly and maintain the people from any harm things that can break their Faith. It can be seen when Frank read his favorite newspaper that containing any kinds of news of the world that iss actually banned in Ireland. “The paper I like in the News of the World. it’s banned in Ireland but people sneak it in from England for the shocking pictures of girls in swimming suits that are almost not there. Then there are stories of people commiting all kinds of sins you wouldn’t find in Limerick, getting divorces, commiting adultery.” McCourt, 1996: 301-302 Frank explaines the informations that contained in the paper. The news are about the pictures of girls in swimming suit, the news of divorcing and commiting adultery. Frank has stated that those things is the things that rarely and even never found in Ireland. It implies that those information has contrasted to the tradition in Ireland that in this context never show the pictures of girls in swimming suit, never doing the divorcing, and never doing a commiting adultery. The prohibition shows that Ireland is a conservative country that is desiring to preserve traditions than receiving any new information of the world that can change their tradition. In addition, Ireland also have rejected any innovation of the world that they consider it can contaminate their religious country. It is when Frank was commanded to go to every shop by his manager in Eason Ltd to find out the John O’London’s Weekly 51 and tear out the page of sixteen. 51 A weekly literary magazine that was published by George Newnes Ltd of London between 1919 and 1954. “Tis all about birth control and that’s banned in Ireland.” McCourt, 1996: 348. Frank had commanded to tear out the page of sixteen because it contains information about „birth control’. Frank and Mr. McCaffrey runned into every shop, grabbed the magazines, and torn the page of sixteen. The noisy has get the shop owners scream and wonder what they have done to the magazines. But, Frank’s manager tell them that this is the government order, as he said below:. “Mr. McCaffreys tells them, Government orders, ma’am. There is filth in John O’London this week that’s not fit for any Irish eyes and we are here to do God’s work.” McCourt, 1996: 148 The statement above shows how conservative Ireland is. They do that for regarding it as the God’s work and for saving the Irish. Birth control itsself is one of innovation form that is result of new era. But, Ireland chooses to refuse it instead of receive it as the form of innovation. The refusal of the innovation can be the reason of Ireland called as the conservative country that keep their tradition to not to control the birth, but receive the birth as the gift from God that can not be controlled and refused. In brief, this conservative characteristics has similation to the Orient charateristics of primitive that is not developed, original or derived from the anything else.

e. People’s attitude

Based on Frank’s experiences with the priest, Frank has been treated rudely by the member of church. The first is the time his father