The Lower Class Country

system which is still exist in Ireland. In Ireland, the class system is really strong. The class system firstly can be seen from the place where they live. There are names of place of living in Ireland, there are avenue, road, street, terrace, mews, place, close, lane. The lowest class people are they who lives in the lane where the houses are very worst. In contrast, the highest class people are they who live in the Avenue. Frank describes people who live in Avenue are rich, and where houses have gardens. McCourt, 1996: 358. Everyone is able to know the class of people through the place where they live. It can be seen when Frank was applying a job and firstly having an interview from the manager of Eason. Ltd. The manager, Mr. McCaffrey asked him to write a paragraph explaining about the reason of him come for the job and how he proposes to rise in the ranks of Eason and Son, Ltd. When the manager read the address of Frank, he was so surprised. Frank Mcourt, 4, Little Barrington Street, Limerick City, County Limerick, Ireland “What’s this? Says Mr. McCaffrey. Do we have here a twisting of the truth? I don’t know, Mr. McCaffrey Little Barington Street. That’s a lane. Why are you calling it a street? They call it a street, Mr. McCaffrey Don’t be getting above yourself, boy. You live in a lane, not a street. [...] you live in a lane and that means you have nowhere to go but up. McCourt, 1996: 335 The manager was surprised because Frank writes his address, Little Barrington as the street, instead of Little Barrington lane that is the fact. The manager reminds him that it is lane and can not be changed to be street even only the name. The conversations above shows that a name of place which is a lane cannot be changed to be another state which is street. It also implies that people who are from the lane are banned to wish a higher level of place. People who are from the lane also get discriminative treatment. There’s no opportunity for them to reach a higher level of their life such as working in the civil service or government, go to university or even run the world. It can be seen when Frank avoided to meet the boys from Chritian Bothers’ School by taking the lane instead of the street everytime he goes to school. He avoided them because of their appearance that looks luxurious. “We go to school through the lanes and back streets so that we won’t meet the respectable boys who go to the Christian Brothers’ School or the rich ones who go to the Jesuit school, Crescent College. The Christian Brothers’ boys wear tweed jackets, warm woolen sweaters, shirt, ties and shiny new boots. We know they’re are the ones who will get jobs in the civil service and help the people who run the world. the Crescent College boys wear blazers and school scarves rossed around their necks and over their shoulders to show they’re cock o’the walk. They have long hair which falls across their foreheads and over their eyes so that they can toss their quiffs like Englishmen. We know they’re the ones who will go to univeristy, take over the family business, run rhe government, run the world. We will be the messenger boys on bicycles who deliver their groceries or we’ll go to England to work on the building sites.” McCourt, 1996: 272