The Higher Class Country

as lane, street, road and avenue like in Ireland. It can be known from where Frank and his family live in America. Frank and his family are also live in poor, but it is not worser than in Ireland. Eventhough they are poor family, they can live in a place namely Classon Avenue. As we know, the name of place, Avenue, is the place where rich people live in Ireland. But, in America, Frank who live in poverty can live in the area named Avenue. It shows that there is no class system distinguished by the name of place in America. In addition, there is no boundaries for people from the poor or lower class to explore their skill to reach the higher level of life. The opportunity is always provided to everyone who is talented and want to explore their selves. It can be seen from his view about his favorite figure, Joe Louis 52 . Frank really admires him for the nice body Joe Louis has that inspires Frank. One day, Frank dreams about how he can get a nice body by meeting and learning from him. Ill go to America and see Joe Louis. Ill tell him my troubles and hell understand because he comes from a poor family. Hell show me how to build up my muscles, how to hold my hands and use my feet McCourt, 1996: 295 He chooses Joe Louis as his inspirative figure whom Frank easily can tells his trouble because he has the same experience with Frank that is from the poor family and lives in America. Frank has implies that America is a place where he can be like Joe Louis who is able to reach the success 52 Joe Louis was an American professional boxer and the World Heavyweight Champion from 1937 to 1949. He is considered to beone of the greatest heavyweightss of all the time. and be famous although he is from a poor family. It shows that there is no class system in America limiting the opportunity for every class of people. Those explanation has lead America as the Occident that offer a plenty of opportunity that give the hope to people around the world of brighter future.

c. The Civilized Country

In contrast to the situation in Ireland, Frank has a special impression at the first time he arrives in America. Everything is really different with Ireland, especially the weather. “I’m on deck the dawn we sail into New York. I’m sure I’m in a film, that it will end and lights will come up in the lyric Cinema. [...] There are thousands of cars speeding along the roads and the sun turns everything to gold” . Frank is very excited about the view he sees in the first time he come to America since a long time ago. He sees the lights and feels like in movie. The sun that is mentioned in the quotation above has indicated that America is a dry and warm place that does not pose a risk on the arrival of various diseases like in Ireland. It is surely much opposed to the condition in Ireland that is cold and wet through its rain. The condition shows how better the life in America. The better condition of America is also signed through the w ords “There are thousands of cars speeding along the roads”. Those word indicates that America also has a well developed system of life.