Theory of Orientalism by Edward W Said.

synonymous with the exotic, the mysterious, the profound, the seminal. 35 East is also likely to be seen as homogeni where the people are anonymous mass rather than an individual, their actions are determined by instinctive emotions lust, terror, amok, etc. rather than by conscious choice or decision. 36 Emotions and the reaction is always determined by racist considerations for example they are like this or that because they are Asian or black, or oriental rather than by aspects of the status or condition of the individual for example because maybe they are coincidentally a big brother, or uncle, or a collector of antique ceramics As the invaders, which itself had been preparing for specific purposes, then science, translations, and other studies it produces, including literature, not as a whole to contain the true objectivity, but rather occurs cultural biases. Description and analysis of the texts of oriental biased so that the West remains the West and the East will be further east. Knowledge of the East never be a genuine reason in due to the people who tell it are closely related and have a particular interest in colonialism. Therefore, their objectivity is objectivity according to their own ideas, which is thought of Western society. Said menyebutkan karya-karya kelompok orientalis sebagai teks-teks predatoris, yang secara perlahan-lahan akan mengisap kekuatan bangsa Timur. Orientalisme dengan demikian tidak terbatas sebagai pengetahuan, melainkan sebagai kekuasaan. Oleh karena itulah, disebutkan bahwa orientalisme bukan mitos melainkan mesin, dalam bentuk imperialism antropologis, yang digunakan untuk menghasilkan pernyataan-pernyataan yang berbeda mengenai dunia Timur. 37 35 Said, Op. Cit., p. 51 36 Peter Barry, Begining Theory: Pengantar Komprehensif Teori Sastra dan Budaya Yogyakarta: Jalasutra, 2010 p. 225 37 Ratna, Op. Cit., p. 209-210 The term of orientalism, in Said’s opinion, can be defined by three ways. First is by viewing orientalism as a mode or paradigm to differ West and East by a certain epistemology and ontology. Next, orientalism can be also understood such a kind of West institution which focuses on East people and tradition as its topic. The last, orientalism essentially is the official institution of Western that takes its care into East. In other words, orientalism is likely the institution created by West to spread an understanding of East which its truth was blown away or sometimes group of lies and myths 38 . The opposite side of the Orient is the Occident. Occident is position for Europe or West and orient is a term for East or usually Asia. Recently, the area range of occident is identified as Europe and United States. However, Japan, until recently an emblem of the East, has increasingly been accepted as a member of the West in international organizations as well as in popular culture. 39 Orient, is covering Asia, Africa and Latin America. Besides, occident call themselves as “West”, “The First world”, “Self”, and “The Center” while orient call themselves as “East”, “The Third World”, “The Other” and “Periphery” 40 Occident is reflected as a colonizer and orient is as a colonized. Because the relationship between occident and orient is as colonizer and colonized, it is impossible to discuss one side only. The relationship between 38 Akhyar Yusuf Lubis, Dekonstruksi Epistemologi Modern: Dari Postmodernisme, Teori Kritis, Poskolonialisme Hingga Cultural Studies Jakarta: Pustaka Indonesia Satu, 2006, p 216 39 Fernando Coronil, Beyond Occidentalism: Toward Nonimperial Geohistorical Categories. Cultural Anthropology. Accessed on 01.11 pm April 14th, 2015. http:www.jstor.orgaboutterms.html, p. 53 40 Ibid., p. 52 Occident and Orient is a relationship of power, of domination, of varying degrees of a complex hegemony. 41 These two sides have distinctive power and characterizations and both are in contradiction. Eventhough they are contrastive, they have same function which is to define the power of each other. Furthermore, occident and orient are two groups in forming the orientalism theory. The occident is a group with high superiority and great in any aspects. As opposite side, the orient is an oppressive group and inferior. Characters of the occident are always positive that it is masculine, independent, civilized, rational familiar, strong, educated and modern. On the contrary, the orient is in negative side that it is feminine, wild, weak, irrational, uneducated, and primitive. 42 No matter how characterizations of both the occident and orient are, they are a result of human’s creation. Their presence helps each other to define their position. As a colonizer, occident always practiced many methods in dominating its colonized country. In colonialization era, the occident bluntly imperialized to extend its domination area. However, though colonialism have ended, postcolonial regions are not necessarily free from colonialism. Although it has been bustled by struggle for independence throughout colonial countries, colonialism still re-sticking with a new model called noecolonialism. 43 41 Bill Ashcroft, The Post-Colonial Studies Reader London: Routledge, 1995, p. 89 42 Lutfi Hamadi, Edward Said: The Postcolonial Theory and The Literature of Decolonization European Scientific Journal June 2014 SPECIAL edition vol.2, p. 39 43 Maarif, Op. Cit., p. 3 Neocolonialism denotated the continuing of economic hegemony of invaders, in which post-colonial state still relies on his old master. 44 Countries of the former colonies tend to depend on the West that is the invaders of their own, especially in the economic and political sectors is still not stable. The values that are universal; discipline, respect for the achievements, and the fulfillment of basic human needs as a reason why theystill depend on the West. Furthermore, Maarif points out that West is very close to peoples awareness of developing countries. Clothing, art, science, technology, architecture, language, lifestyle and mind, to just mention a few examples, almost all of them oriented to the West. Third world peoples attitudes towards the West is varied. There were facing West with rejection discontinuities. Instead some are addressing the West with absolute acceptance and relevance continuity. 45 The countries that adopt Secularism-Scientific choose the attitude of acceptance and relevance. For them, the West is the prototype of renewal and a source of knowledge. All are from the West accepted, while the products of tradition tends to be abandoned. But on the other hand, they tend to sacrifice the identity and eroded in westernization. In brief, according to Said, orientalism contains at least the following connotation. First, it refers to a mode of thinking based on the difference in ontology and epistemology between Orient and Occident. the Orient and Occident are in separate hemispheres on earth, opposing each other in may 44 Ibid., p. 3 45 Ibid., p. 30 respects due to their striking differences, politically, economically, and even linguistically. Second, it refers to a way of dominance of the powerful West over the weak East and its oppression of the latter. 46 46 Wang Ning, Op. Cit., p. 58 24


In this chapter, the writer would like to analyze the depiction of Orient and Occident relationship among Ireland, England and America by revealing some related data to explain the result of analysis. The first thing the writer would like to do is to describe and analyze the characterization of main character, Frank McCourt in the novel Angela’s Ashes by Frank McCourt. Later on, the writer will explain the position of Ireland, England and America through the perceptions, action, and phenomena that occur to the main character.

A. The Characteristics of Frank McCourt

Frank is a child who was born in America but grows in Ireland. He is the eldest son of Irish parents, Angela Shehaan and Malachy McCourt. In his four years old, Frank and his family returned to their parents’s homeland, Ireland whose citizen were still depend on and influenced by its old master, England. The worse poverty that he experiences in Ireland has set his mind about the image of Ireland that he has stated in the first page of the novel as “the miserable Irish Catholic childhood.”McCourt, 1996: 11. The better life that is offered by England and he experienced in America draw him to leave and go out from Ireland to find his successful and better life for his family. Frank becomes the major character in this novel because he is the most important character who takes whole part in the story. Frank can be also called as the protagonist character because the novel focuses on his life who struggles to pursue his dream to go back to America. The characteristics of Frank will be clearly revealed on some point of his traits below:

1. Dreamer

Frank has a habit of dreamer since he was three years old. He is keening to dream about many things that could make him happy, but sometimes impossible. It can be firstly seen when he was live in Brooklyn, America, in his three years old. At the time, her mother was getting sick because of Margareth death, Frank’s youngest sister. She stayed in the bed all day and hardly moving. Therefore, Frank must had responsibilities to take care his brothers, Malachy, and the twin, Oliver and Eugene who is only less one year. Fortunately, his neighbours came and help him, they were Mrs. Leibowitz and Minnie MacAdorey. They were taking care of them very well by giving them foods and taking care the twins. “Malachy and I sit on the floor drinking from mugs. We spoon the soup into the twin’s mouths. It is lovely and hot and tasty. My mother never makes soup like this and I wonder if there’s any chance Mrs. Leibowitz could ever be my mother.” McCourt, 1996: 38 When Mrs. Leibowitz gave them the soup, Frank was so delighted. Frank started dreaming to have her as her mother so that he could have a soup everyday. It was not only Mrs. Leibowitz that gave them foods, but also Minnie MacAdorey. “She goes down the hall and bring back a pot of mashed potatoes for all of us. There is plenty of salt and butter in the potatoes and I wonder if there’s any chance Minnie could be my mother so that I could eat like this all the time. If I could have Mrs. Leibowitz and Minnie for mothers at the same time I’d have no end of soup and mashed potatoes. McCourt, 1996: 39 Minnie MacAdorey also gave them a pot of mashed potatoes and, again, Frank started to dream her to be her mother too. The quotations above show that Frank is a dreamer. Seeing the kindness of his neighbour in America, he cannot hold his self to dream of having them as his mother because of the lack of food that he experience in his family. As the poor, Frank only simply dreams about what can make his life better than now, such as the nourishing food that is offered by Mrs. Leibowitz and Minnie MacAdorey. It is not only his poor life, but also his physical condition that draw him to be a dreamer. In his thirteen years old, he and his family must stayed in his unc le’s house, Laman Griffin. It was because Frank and his family had evicted from their old house for they had not payed the rent cost of the house to rent man since four weeks. A few months living in Laman’s house, he instead got a problem with Laman Griffin. Laman has promised to Frank for letting him borrow his bicycle by requisitioning Frank to clean his chamber pot 47 everyday. One day, Frank reminded his uncle about the promise, otherwise Frank himself forgot his job to clean the chamber pot that day. Laman who was drunk that day get angry to Frank. Frank was getting offended started to insult his uncle and made him 47 Portable toilet placed next to a bed, receptacle use to urinate or defecate in the bedroom