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because he found that the main character in this novel, Frank, undergoes moral development through conflicts and incidents he experiences in his life. Tarigan uses extrinsic approach which is a kind of approach which analyzes the literary work and its connection with other knowledge and external factors such as biography, history, society, religion, psychology and so on. Tarigan uses extrinsic approach by connecting the story with other knowledge and relate it with psychology in order to get deeper understanding about moral development that usually experienced by children Meanwhile, Hamid Farahmandian in his journal analysis titled Angela’s Ashes : Class Struggle and the Dream of Betterment explains how the class struggle and its effects on the society and characters in novel Angela’s Ashes. The choosing of his analysis’s aim is viewed from the story of Frank McCourt as the author of the novel who experiences th financial and social troubles in both the United States and his homeland, Ireland. To accomplish his goal, he uses the theory of Marxism. He focuses on economic issues and class issue which is examined to three issues, they are „Alienation’, „Religion’, and „Revolution’. Dividing the issues into three issues is caused of the effect of social troubles to the character, Frank McCourt, who has the class struggle and the dream going to United States. Hamid aims to see which one the primary cause of Frank’s leave to United States is. And finally, in the end of his analysis, he concludes that Frank leaved Ireland to the United States because of alienation that he feels in Ireland due tothe oppression and religion on its head which leads to an revolution in his inside regarding his future life based on the experience from hispast and family troubles suffered during the first nineteen years. Later, Emilia Stopar in her essay titled Frank McCourt’s Angela’s Ashes: A Picture of an Irish Childhood aims to investigate how Frank McCourt pictures Irish childhood in Angela’s Ashes and then decide whether this is a realistic and true picture, or whether McCourt exaggerates in his descriptions. Stopar focuses on aspects of childhood that McCourt brings up, relates and critizes those aspects. In the investigation, Stopar also really concerns to the role of Catholicism in Irish and what life was like in Ireland during the period. Stopar divides her focus into four stages. Firstly, the focus on Ireland and Irish childhood in a historical and cultural context, where historical facts will be compared with how Ireland is described in the novel. Secondly, attention paid to Catholicism’s influence on various institutions and on people. Thirdly, the positive aspects of Irish childhood brought up. Lastly, the negative aspects of such a childhood as well as McCourt’s criticism of these aspects dealt with. In this research, the writer purposes to examine the novel Angela’s Ashes by using Orientalism of Edward W. Said to understand, analyze and explain how Novel Angela’s Ashes 1996 by Frank McCourt depicts the relationship of East and West between Ireland and America through the