The Wealthy Country England as The Occident

following their parents in case of the death of his youngest sister, Margaret that almost draw his mother to be mad. His worse life in Ireland has drawn him for going back to America. He admire it for he thinks the better future is only able to get if he leave Ireland and go to America.

a. The Higher Class Country

Frank has implicitly consider America as the higher class country as the way he similizes the rich people in Ireland to the American. At the time when Frank worked to deliver Eason magazines through the streets, he met the rich people. Frank felt excited about their apperance and desired to get the same appearance. “Theyre all rich looking people, some in motor cars, men with hats, collars and ties, and two fountain pens in their pockets, women with hats and little bits of fur dangling from their shoulders, people who have tea at the Savoy or the Stella and stick out their little fingers to show how bred they are”McCourt, 1996: 349 The appearance of rich people above has influenced him as the poor person that has bad appearance and bad looking. Frank is really excited about the appearance and anxious to get the same appearance like having a motor car, wearing hats, collars, ties, put the two fountains pens in their pockets, and behave elegantly like sticking out their little finger when drink a tea. To get the same appearance with the rich people, Frank instead becomes more passionate to go to America. As Frank said below: “I should be good in school and some day Ill go back to America and get an inside job where Ill be sitting at a desk with two fountain pens in my pocket, one red and one blue, making decisions. Ill be in out of the rain and Ill have a suit and shoes and a warm place to live and what more could a man want?”McCourt, 1996: 209 In the statement above, Frank states that he will go to America to get those comfortable life where he will be a office man that have two fountain pens in his pocket and have the good appearances like wearing suit and shoes and enjoy the warm America. The quotation above implies that the appearance of rich people is the appearance of each American. He considers that those appearance is the things he will get if he lives in America. Besides, it implies that going to America can be the only way for Frank to get the rich appearance. It can be seen from how assured Frank is about the result of his adventure to America to derive the life of rich people. which is in two quotations above, the equation of rich people in both country is characterized by having two fountain pens in their pocket. Thus, the way of Frank in equaliting rich people’s appearance and American appearance has generated the position of America itsself as the higher class country. American position of the higher class country addressed it to be Occident with its superiority.

b. The Land of Opportunity

The life in America is absolutely different with the life in Ireland. There is no class system that produce the different treatment of each class. People who come from the poor family can live anywhere they supposed. There are no different name of place that distinguish the level of class such