Focus of The Study Research Question Significance of The Study

4. The Instrument of Research

The researcher will involve herself as a major instrument in this study. The writer will firstly analyze the characterization of the main character, Frank McCourt. Later on, the writer will consider the words or point of view of Frank McCourt by marking the sentences that show the view and correlation of the Orient and Occident, then interpret and analyze those sentences by using Orientalism theory by Edward Said.

5. Unit of Analysis

The unit of analysis of this study is novel Angelas Ashes by Frank McCourt, published by Scribner in 1996.

6. Place and Time of Research

This study will be conducted in 2015 and is placed on the campus of UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, precisely in the campus library. 11


A. Previous Research

There are some researches related to Angela’s Ashes 1996 by Frank McCourt, they are a thesis titled An Analysis of Moral Development In Angela’s Ashes by MJ Tarigan from University of North Sumatra 14 , a journal titled Angela’s Ashes : Class Struggle and the Dream of Betterment by Hamid Farahmandian from University Putra Malaysia 15 and an essay titled Frank McCourt’s Angela’s Ashes: A Picture of an Irish Childhood by Emilia Stopar from Lund University, Sweden. 16 MJ Tarigan in her thesis titled An Analysis of Moral Development In Angela’s Ashes explains about how the main character Frank experience his moral development. Based on the definition of moral development which is the process through which children develop proper attitudes and behaviors toward other people in society, based on social and cultural norms, rules, and laws, Tarigan is interested to analyze moral development in this novel 14 MJ. Tarigan, An Analysis of Moral Development In Angela’s Ashes, Accessed on 11.00 pm May 22th, 2015. 15 Hamid Farahmandian, Angela’s Ashes : Class Struggle and the Dream of Betterment, Accessed on 11.16 pm May 22th, 2015. http:www.iiste.orgJournalsindex.phpRHSSarticleview83598556. 16 Emilia Stopar, Frank McCourt’s Angela’s Ashes: A Picture of an Irish Childhood, Accessed on 11.32 pm May 22th, 2015.