Disobeying The Characteristics of Frank McCourt

4. Unconfident

Everytime he goes to school, he never go through the proper street. He prefers to take the lanes rather than take the street to reach school because they will meet the boys from Christian Brother’ School and Crescent Collage 48 who are come from the rich class, in contrast, he is just the boy who come from the lane with a mess appearance. “We go to school through lanes and back streets so that we wont meet the respectable boys who go to the Christian BrothersSchool or the rich ones who go to the Jesuit school, Crescent College. The Christian Brothers boys wear tweed jackets, warm woolen sweaters, shirts, ties and shiny new boots. We know theyre the ones who will get jobs in the civil service and help the people who run the world. The Crescent College boys wear blazers and school scarves tossed around their necks and over their shoulders to show theyre cock o the walk. They have long hair which falls across their foreheads and over their eyes so that they can toss their quiffs like Englishmen. ” McCourt: 1996, 272 It is clearly that Frank is not confident to be faced with the boys of Christian Brothers’ School and and Crescent Collage. He is willing to avoid meeting them in the street because he is ashamed of his poor appearance and feel inferior. They are looking superior by their apperance in Frank’s eyes, where their appearance are mostly similar to the Englismen.

B. Post-Colonial Analysis

Angela’s Ashes by Frank McCourt is using the main character’s point of view. The perceptions and action of the main character, Frank McCourt, and 48 Christian Brothers’ School or Irish Christian Brothers is a term of the member of religious brother teacher congregation which is built in Ireland since 1802. phenomena that occur to him considers to three different countries, Ireland which occupies the Orient while England and America is the Occident. The writer does not consider Ireland as the Orient based on its geografical location that is in East, but deciding based on its position as the post-colonial country. The explanations below will assist to define Ireland as the Orient and England and America as the Occident through Frank’s view.

1. Ireland as the Orient

Ireland is a place where Frank with his family live after their returning from America. He exactly lives in county Limerick, Ireland. The Ireland’s suffering which is a background of the poverty experienced by Frank and his family becomes the m ain factor of Frank’s wish for going back to America to reach the better life.

a. The Lower Class Country

The freedom of Ireland from English colonization has been declared since 1919. However, the story of this novel still depicted the situation of Ireland that has not been completely independent. It is because people in Ireland still depend their life on English. It can be seen in this novel when English agent start recruiting Irish men to work in their munition factory at the time the war is on between English and German, as Frank said below: “What is Dad to do? There’s war on. English agents are recruiting Irishmen to work in their munitions factories, the pay is good, there are no jobs in Ireland, and if the wife turns her back to you there’s no short-age of women in England where the able men are off fighting Hitler and Mussolini and you can do anything you like as long as you remember you’re Irish and lower class and don’t try to rise above your station. McCourt, 1996: 216 In this novel, England is a background of Ireland’s history that has crucial impacts toward the condition of Ireland at the time. Inasmuch as England is the old master that ever ruled Ireland for approximately eight centuries in the past times, the life in Ireland are still interfered by the English. The phenomenon above shows the position of both Ireland and England where Ireland that is roled as the worker in England was placed in the lower position than England that provide the job for Ireland. Additionally, at the statement above, Frank has straightforwardly said about the position of Ireland itself where Frank regards the Irish as the lower class from the words you’re Irish and lower class that have to behave their selves when they are working in England. It is clearly show that Ireland is a lower class country. There is no jobs in Ireland can indicate that Ireland still depends on other country to reach the prosperity, especially on its old master, England. It makes Ireland are still called as the dependent country because of its dependence on English. The dependence of Ireland toward its old master, England, in economic field show that Ireland represents the Orient chatacteristic that is dependent where England provides jobs in their munitions factories and they recruit the Irishmen that have no job in Ireland.

b. The Lack of Opportunity

The lack of opportunity is experienced by Irish especially for people who are from the lower class or poor poeple. It is caused by the class