Land of Opportunity England as The Occident

England. Youd never find the likes of that in Ireland. If you didnt eat your egg here youd be carted off to the lunatic asylum or reported to the bishop. I cant wait to go home and tell Malachy about this man who wont eat his egg. Malachy will fall down on the floor laughing because such a thing could never happen. Hell say Im making it up but when I tell him this story is about an Englishman hell understand. ”McCourt, 1996: 201 One of book he read told about an English man who are very rich namely Mr. Ernest Bliss. The story told that he is sick and must go to doctor because of having too much money. When he is nursed in hospital, he also refuse to eat his eggs that is dished by manservant. Frank’s friend, Seamus, whom Frank tell the story to did not believe to the story Because he never found that such man in Ireland where people refuse to eat eggs. The story is also seemly a fiction story. But, Frank accepts the story when he knows that Mr. Ernest is an English man. He believes that England is a country where the people are not desperate for having the great food like eggs. It is not like in Ireland where eggs is very valuable. It seemly there is even a law in Ireland that will punish them who does not eat their eggs. From the explanation above, it can seen that England is strong in their economic field. The strength of England can represent the strenght of Occident country where according to Frank, people that lives in there will never worry about the lack off food.

3. America as The Occident

America is a country which is dreamed by Frank as the main character of this novel. He was born in America, but he has to returned to Ireland following their parents in case of the death of his youngest sister, Margaret that almost draw his mother to be mad. His worse life in Ireland has drawn him for going back to America. He admire it for he thinks the better future is only able to get if he leave Ireland and go to America.

a. The Higher Class Country

Frank has implicitly consider America as the higher class country as the way he similizes the rich people in Ireland to the American. At the time when Frank worked to deliver Eason magazines through the streets, he met the rich people. Frank felt excited about their apperance and desired to get the same appearance. “Theyre all rich looking people, some in motor cars, men with hats, collars and ties, and two fountain pens in their pockets, women with hats and little bits of fur dangling from their shoulders, people who have tea at the Savoy or the Stella and stick out their little fingers to show how bred they are”McCourt, 1996: 349 The appearance of rich people above has influenced him as the poor person that has bad appearance and bad looking. Frank is really excited about the appearance and anxious to get the same appearance like having a motor car, wearing hats, collars, ties, put the two fountains pens in their pockets, and behave elegantly like sticking out their little finger when drink a tea. To get the same appearance with the rich people, Frank instead becomes more passionate to go to America. As Frank said below: