Requiring Parity Characteristics of Collaborative Learning in Students’ Reflection Papers

38 solution and set aside their differences which was not essential to make their mutual goals successful. In excerpt 10, the student explained about the differences of the task they had in the group. It was perfectly divided task and division which they had for the sake of their goals. However, the student thought that they were in one big group which was united by their mutual goals. They were united in order to make their goals become successful.

4. Sharing Responsibility for Participation and Decision Making

Sharing responsibility for participation and decision making is the fourth characteristic of collaborative learning according to Friend and Cook 2010. There were 169 excerpts mentioning this characteristic of collaborative learning; 96 excerpts in the reflection papers for the midterm test, and 73 excerpts in the reflection papers for the final test. Sharing responsibility for participation and decision making as the characteristic of collaborative learning appeared in the third place on the research finding. This characteristic of collaborative learning shows how every member in the group are responsible for their own participation and decision making in the group Friend Cook, 2010. Friend and Cook 2010 state that each student is responsible for their tasks in their division, even though the tasks for each division are not equal. “Truthfully, as music director I have not finished my job, and I have to finish my job. I am forced to finish my job because I will feel guilty with others. I will kill my friend‟s expectation, effort and dream if have not finished my job. It might be happened if the entire person in the group has 39 mutual understanding on accomplishing their job and duty. Procrastinate the working will affect on others working. Your responsibility is important in here. ” – Excerpt 11 In excerpt 11, the student realized that he should be responsible for his tasks . He had to be responsible for his division’s progress. If the student was not responsible for doing his tasks, he would hamper the progress in his group. They shared responsibility and they had to finish their responsibilities in order to accomplish their jobs and duties. According to Friend and Cook 2010, even though the labor for each division is different and not equal, they actively participate in accomplishing their task. “Sometimes I like to count how many things that I have been done and my friends done and that makes me feel so unfair. But I like to think back to myself that to do the equal things were not possible for one to each other. ”- Excerpt 12 In excerpt 12, the student wrote in her reflection paper that sometimes she liked to compare the amount of work that she had with other different divisions in her group. The student wrote that by comparing the amount of work that she and her other friends had done, she never felt that it was fair. She thought that the amount of work was unfair for some divisions who had heavier tasks. However, in the end of her excerpt, the student realized that the labor and the tasks could not be done equally. Each division had their own amount of tasks which were different from others. PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 40

5. Sharing Resources

The fifth characteristic of collaborative learning is sharing resources Friend and Cook, 2010. It was placed on the last collaborative learning characteristic that was found in the students’ reflection papers. There were only 60 excerpts that contained this characteristic; 30 excerpts in both reflection papers for each midterm test and final test. In working together, the students share several resources among their friends in the group. Between one division and the other divisions in their group, their work and their resources support each other’s work in one group and those resources are often considered as their contributions to their group Friend and Cook, 2010. “Besides, not only learned to be an on time person but I also learned to be a discipline person. Why? Because, when I could not a discipline person, I would not follow the rules that has been made by my director that each person in our group have to collect some money in every meeting so our group will not lack of money and we will be able to buy some stuffs that was needed for our group‟s performance for example make up, costume, and identity of the group. ” – Excerpt 13 “And then outside the class we have to learn to be able to cooperate not only with our own group but also this semester play performance student. The cooperation is necessary because we need more help to make our play in the group going well and the whole play going perfectly well too. We exchange information about the where to find certain costume until the cheap place to make our cosmetic properties. This way we can all help each other play to create .” – Excerpt 14 The examples of the resources were the fund and the information which were mentioned by the students who wrote excerpts 13 and 14 in their reflection papers. In both excerpts, the students wrote about the money they needed to share