27 After the data were collected, the researcher read and analyzed the data. In analyzing the data, the researcher identified and inferred the excerpts in students’ reflection papers which contained the characteristics of collaborative learning mentioned in the theory.

3. Observation Table

The third instrument used to collect the data was observation table. There were two observation tables. The first table was a table for helping the researcher in noting down the excerpts and classifying the characteristics shown in each excerpt. The second table was for presenting the contributions of collaborative learning perceived by the students to their soft skills development. Table 3.1: Observation Table for Characteristics of Collaborative Learning No Name N.E Excerpts Friend Cook 2010 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 In the first table, there were 5 columns. The first column was for number. The second column was for the name of the students who wrote the excerpts. The third column was for N.E, which stood for Number of Excerpts. The fourth column was for the excerpts. The researcher placed the studen ts’ excerpts which contained collaborative learning characteristics there. The fifth column were the column where the researcher classified and marked the excerpts of the students’ reflections based on the Friend Cook’s 2010 theory of collaborative learning PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI 28 characteristics that the researcher used. The fifth column was divided again into several columns with numbers. Each number in both columns represented several characteristics from the theory of collaborative learning characteristics. Table 3.2: Observation Table for Contributions of Collaborative Learning Perceived by the Students The second table was divided into three columns. The first column was for number. The second column was for the contributions of collaborative learning perceived by the students mentioned in the excerpts of their reflections. The third column was for the students who wrote the excerpts. The researcher did not only write the students, but also the number of their excerpts in their reflections which contained the contributions of collaborative learning that they are perceived to their soft skills development.

E. Data Analysis Technique

To analyze the data for research question 1, the researcher used the summative approach. Hsieh and Shannon 2005 explain that, In a summative approach to qualitative content analysis, data analysis begins with searches for occurrences of the identified words by hand or computer. Word frequency counts for each identified term are calculated, with source or speaker also identified p. 1283. No Contributions Mentioned by 1 Team work Collaborative skills  Student 1 1-7  Student 3 1-13 2  PLAGIAT MERUPAKAN TINDAKAN TIDAK TERPUJI