Voluntary Characteristics of Collaborative Learning in Students’ Reflection Papers

36 she had given to her group, to Play Performance class. All of the contributions were equally valued no matter how many contributions that someone had made. “I do really want to give great contribution to this project, especially in my group. My plan to develop my performance in working with others is doing what I can do to help my friends and this project. I believe that even just little thing, it can help to make the project success and my friends always appreciate what others do no matter what .” – Excerpt 7 “Become production team, I also need to help my friend in the small group. I should not only focus in production team, I also have to give my opinion for my small group. I have to keep followed my small group practice schedule .” – Excerpt 8 In excerpt 7, the researcher found that the student wanted to give contributions to her group by helping their friends in finishing their job. The student’s understanding toward parity from their contributions was shown through her sentence. The student believed that the amount of contributions and helps that she could give did not matter. All the contributions, whether they were big or small contributions , had an equal value. The student’s members in the group might appreciate it as well because every contribution was precious. The researcher also found in excerpt 8 that the student was willing to give her opinions. The student realized that collaboration needed parity in decision making. Thus, the student tried to give her opinion in order to follow the progress from her small group.

3. Mutual Goals

Mutual goals as the characteristic of collaborative learning appeared in the sixth place on the research finding. There were 129 excerpts mentioning this 37 characteristic; 56 excerpts in the reflection papers for the midterm test, and 73 excerpts in the reflection papers for the final test. Mutual goals are the third characteristic of collaborative learning according to Friend and Cook 2010. By having mutual goals, the students would only focus on the works and the efforts that would make their goals successful. They would not focus only on personal goals, but on how their personal goals could support the mutual goals they shared together. Friend and Cook 2010 state that each person in the group has to set aside their differences, to become professional and, to have a commitment in achieving their goals. The researcher found the characteristic in excerpts 9 and 10. “Within the group, we have to think about the best thing for everyone, not just what is best for someone alone .” – Excerpt 9 “In this class, each of them had their own tasks, one in artistic division and another in production division as well as the students that also divided in two general groups. Even though we were divided in that way, we were not separated in this project. We were from different classes, but one unity in the projects. ” – Excerpt 10 In excerpt 9, it was clearly stated that the student thought that everyone in the group had to think about the best decision and the best effort for all members in the group. The student did not think that they could be all egoistic by only thinking about what was best for each person. By considering what the best decision and the best effort for them, they unconsciously thought about their mutual goals. The student realized that every member in their group had different opinions toward problems that they faced together, however they needed to find 38 solution and set aside their differences which was not essential to make their mutual goals successful. In excerpt 10, the student explained about the differences of the task they had in the group. It was perfectly divided task and division which they had for the sake of their goals. However, the student thought that they were in one big group which was united by their mutual goals. They were united in order to make their goals become successful.

4. Sharing Responsibility for Participation and Decision Making

Sharing responsibility for participation and decision making is the fourth characteristic of collaborative learning according to Friend and Cook 2010. There were 169 excerpts mentioning this characteristic of collaborative learning; 96 excerpts in the reflection papers for the midterm test, and 73 excerpts in the reflection papers for the final test. Sharing responsibility for participation and decision making as the characteristic of collaborative learning appeared in the third place on the research finding. This characteristic of collaborative learning shows how every member in the group are responsible for their own participation and decision making in the group Friend Cook, 2010. Friend and Cook 2010 state that each student is responsible for their tasks in their division, even though the tasks for each division are not equal. “Truthfully, as music director I have not finished my job, and I have to finish my job. I am forced to finish my job because I will feel guilty with others. I will kill my friend‟s expectation, effort and dream if have not finished my job. It might be happened if the entire person in the group has